

  • I agree with the majority. Adding a few more carb calories for just one day is enough to break it! Additionally, if you eat the same amount of calories every day, your body gets uses to 'anticipating' what it needs to keep you going and stores everything else. Vary your calorie intake. 1200 one day, 1500 the next, back to…
  • Your gauge is how you feel. If you feel energized and happy then everything is going well. If you feel tired and have less energy, then you should try to increase your caloric intake. I would definitely try adding lots of veggies; they have great fiber and fill those vitamin deficiencies. Your protein intake looks good to…
  • I just did this last year! I got married on November 7th. I lost about 5 lbs a month so the other posts seem right. Good luck to you and my advice is to enjoy your day no matter what your weight. You will be beautiful! Best wishes for a happy and successful wedding!
  • My Dr. recommends Stevia and/or Xylitol (both natural sweeteners). I've been using Stevia for some time now and I've never experienced such a drop in blood sugar. Maybe Xylitol is another option for you. I haven't used it so I can't speak to any side effects, but I thought I would share. Best of luck!
  • Hey Benda! Welcome! We all wish you great success.
  • Welcome Onyxlibra7! I wish you success. "Till the wheels come off" lol you are too funny!
  • H_R_Wilson, Thank you and I wish you luck and success as well!
  • Blessedx5 I live in Loudoun County (Leesburg). Most of my family is in Woodbridge and by the sound of it, you know where that is. I grew up there and went to Woodbridge Senior. I just turned 40 last October!! I know it's hard but 10lbs is a huge accomplishment, so be proud! I tried to lose 15 before my wedding last year…
  • First, Congrats on the weight loss so far! Here are some strategies for breaking a plateau: 1) Increase your water consumption. You may be holding on to some water weight preventing you from seeing a loss at the scale. 2) Double your fiber intake or take a fiber supplement. This can help remove water and other material in…
  • I'm one week in myself and this is the best site I've used thus far. I'm actually combining this site with an HCG program that I'm doing so I take shots everyday and my calorie count is very low. These first days have been tough, but I know in the end it will be worth it. I don't live in PA; I'm in VA near DC. I understand…