hardyh Member


  • This information is invaluable...
  • Vegetarian for 22 years, added oily fish so I guess 'Pescetarian' about 5 years ago. 27 years without any 'meat'. Have recently been delving a lot more into decent nutrition - with astonishing results compared to just training. Still have some fish and dairy, but diet is becoming more and more 'plant-based'.
  • That is true, and unfortunate. As has been stated, Cronometers database doesn't rival MFP yet. I'm currently tracking micronutrients with approximations on Cronometer, and logging here. Looking at the number of plant based diet questions in the forums, it seems MFP should definitely look at implementing this. Some user…
  • Ah, admin - wanna move it? I did have a scan through, don't use the forums that often and grabbed the first area I thought appropriate. For reference I am trialling against Cronometer at the mo. While I love the way MFP works and logs, the data collected there is WAY better at present :(
  • I live in Thailand and train (though no longer fight) MMA. I'd definitely take a look at Tapout and even P90x, but there is no substitute for getting involved - it's more fun too, you don't have to fight :)
  • Bingo, got it! Happy face is on :) For anyone else looking: Settings -> Diary Settings -> Tick "Enable Negative Adjustments" under "Calorie Adjustments". Seems to do the trick - fwiw the entry it added was a quick drive to test it - I don't run that fast ;) S1959, Like I said, this is my first device of this type, having…
    in Fenix 2 Comment by hardyh August 2014
  • Just seen this Julie! I'll have a think and see if I can find someone suitable. My Thai is not good enough for the task I suspect, but have fitness loving Thai friends who may well want to help out :)
  • Regret nothing today, or yesterday. Very happy with my diet. But. And it's a big but! Today and yesterday would have been nowhere near as smug making if it wasn't for the guilt of all the beer calories that I logged the day before. I log EVERYTHING, and MFP really helps smack me with a reality check and ensure that bad…
  • I became veggie for a bet... Two veggie friends were insisting that I HAD to give something up for new year one drunken new years eve. After establishing that I was unlikely to give up smoking, I agreed to not eat meat for a year (£20 if I remember correctly). The year came and went, and I never resumed. I kind of…
  • Gimme 2 months and I'll post before and afters - there are some very fit people here :)