

  • I have the same experience, for me I tend to run very slowly, and I seem to be able to crank it up more on the elliptical. I track my HR and calories and find I get in a higher zone with the elliptical and burn more calories. Congratulations by the way on your statistics, 60 lbs. lost is awesome!
  • I subtract the fiber from carbs, I've researched this quite a bit and find differing views, but most of what I've read says to subtract the fiber to get to net cards. I've tried both ways, and currently monitoring to see what kind of difference if any it makes to my weekly results.
  • I also use Optimum whey, good taste and mixes easily too. I also use GNC Total Lean Berry Fusion, it only has 50 calories (the other flavors have twice that) and I mix it with one cup of unsweetened almond milk and flaxseed, that's my breakfast most days on my way to work. Another one I really like is CarbThin egg protein…
  • "Here's the way to figure out if your weight loss goal is healthy and realistic. Formula: A.) Initial weight - weight loss goal = future weight B.) Future weight - Initial pounds of lean body mass = future pounds of fat (Keep in mind that your initial lean body mass is the requirement for your body) C.) Future pounds of…