

  • I don't know if this will help but ... I noticed that the more I worked out, the more my body asked for different things. So instead of going for ice cream now, my body is asking for yogurt. Or instead of snacking on cookies and stuff like that, I'll have a handful of cashews. I don't know about you but I also had to come…
    in I suck Comment by DreaL May 2011
  • According to the .5 theory, I should be drinking about 88 oz of water. I'll see if that doesn't help. Also, after working out, I tend to eat. I mean, I eat breakfast before working out (about an hour or so) but then after I finish working out, I eat lunch within about a half hour. Maybe I'll get back into taking my…
    in Too tired Comment by DreaL May 2009
  • I wanted to get everyone's take on this: Do I just enter the exercise I've done at the gym or should I be counting the time I spend walking across campus with a 10lb+ backpack on my back, plus the stairs I have to climb at school? I've generally been only entering the exercise I do at the gym but ... I don't know if that's…
  • I find that chewing a piece of gum curbs the cravings for a while. Water helps. Read a book? Sometimes, the cleaning just makes me more hungry so if I'm really bad, I'll read or write a letter or draw ... whatever your craft of choice is.
    in Day 1 Comment by DreaL January 2009
  • Thanks for the notes everybody!
  • Just wanted to drop by and introduce myself. I'm Drea, I live in CO and I was referred to this site by a long-time friend who just lost a great amount of weight by changing his diet and sticking to exercise. I'm sort of just starting out. Or maybe I'm always "just starting out". I need some serious motivation though. Going…