

  • Lots of options out there on "how to", but it's really a lifestyle so you have to find what works for you. Meal planning template - Slim Palate Paleo Blog (packed with adventures and recipes) - Author of Well Fed, her blog -…
  • I think the fatigue is probably the worst, but the weight gain is right up there. Sometimes I just have no motivation to do anything. Also I used to love food, but now I hate it because I can look at it and gain weight. It's so frustrating. I also get the aches and pains, which make me feel like an old woman, when I am…
  • A lot of restaurant curries use oil and broth as their base with a starch to thicken (sometimes using the beans or potatoes mashed slightly). I'd just keep the portion minimal. Or order something else like tandoori chicken.
  • just thought I'd add that the criteria are being revised for 'eating disorders'. They won't be official for a while still, but it's good to know that other types are being considered besides the standards.