

  • Hey, now that would be a very compelling reason to do the small meals... I have been able to identify the triggers, but even then, I get the occasional flareup... I will certainly read more on that! Thanks for the tip! :)
  • Well welcome and thanks for making this your first post! Well crap, now I am glad I asked this question out loud cause I been thinking "How in the heck is this supposed to work?" Thanks and welcome to MFP!
  • I should have said to increase metabolism... I heard somewhere increasing the frequency of eating to 5 smaller meals a day will help boost metabolic rate which in turn helps burn more calories... is this not true, or did I misunderstand the concept? Thanks for the reply! p.s. Nice abs! :)
  • I think you look great, definition and tone is showing, imagine what your next picture journey will produce! Congrats on your weight loss, your midsection gives me hope. That is the most challenging part I have faced, what do you do? Keep up the great work! :drinker:
  • Yes, that is a great way to look at it. You flush away (literal and pun-intended) the unneeded part, but you can do so knowing that you got your full dose of vitamins for the day! And that helps aid absorption, which aids metabolism, which aids weight loss. So keep coming neon yellow alien pee! :p
  • No, your body does not get used to it. That is whatever the body does not absorb. Depending on the vitamin, some have well over daily recommended allowance so it's your body's way of purging excess, just like we purge toxins. Shame to pee away those expensive supplements though, lol!