sarahkindel Member


  • Don't do it. Aspartame side effects are the worst. Be ready for headaches, body aches, and serious withdraw if you decide to give it up.
  • That is also what I'm thinking. I get discouraged when I see that I am usually waaaaay over in my sugar, but it is usually all from fruit.
  • So say her BMR is 1700, what would she need to consume in order to lose (without taking exercise into account). Would she need to eat 1700, or lower?
  • I am SO bad about getting into a routine with food! I'll definitely start switching it up. Thanks!
  • I think you may be onto something. At first I pushed myself too hard and the headaches were terrible. Today for example, I paced myself much better and didn't strain near as much. A tiny headache developed but once I got home and had a glass of water it had nearly gone away.
  • When I full on run it gets pretty high (around 185), but I try to keep it around 170 - 175 by jogging.
  • Whimpy, do you add a protein powder to this? If so, which do you use?
  • I'm vegetarian. I too find it hard to get my protein in without being too high calorie, but I must say that most days I manage to get my recommended in. I eat TONS of brown rice and beans (kidney, black, garbanzo), as well as peanut butter and other nuts. Just have to be careful to watch fat on that one. 3 or 4 times a…