

  • OMG Amazingggg you're a diff person! I def feel inspired now!
  • haha i think ive got this diet thing all wrong! did u say bacon and toast in a meal and still coming under 400-500 cals?:noway: haha I DEF need a new outlook on breakfast. I have dinner and lunch down pat with variety... but breakfast always stumps me :s
  • trust me I think ive gotten to that point! weight loss has stalled. that's why i was recommended 1500 calories but Im struggling to find ways to add those extra cals in and still be healthy u know? I see people saying peanut butter... but I dont know why I always thought it was bad? like alot of fat no?
  • wow thanks to everyone for the quick responses! much appreciated. I work out in the evenings at like 7-8pm or so...after work! haha. So I dont know if itll be ok to drink the shake after along with dinner huh? Like right now postworkout dinner im having 3 eggwhites (again) and half a cup of brown rice..like a healthy fried…
  • or would it kill me if i whipped up a quick protein shake now? altho its like 10pm here in Kingston lol
  • wow thanks everyone for such a quick reply! :D Hmm never thought of eating nuts and stuff. I always hear of good fats in like peanut butter, nuts, avocado.... but when i look at the amt of fat in them I get scared and opt out! lol forgetting that theyr supposed to be good. so you're saying it's ok to include these in my…