pamelawh Member


  • i found a recipe for individual pumpkin pie at calories per serving are 180 and if it tastes as good as the one serving chocolate cheesecake did then i will think i died and went to heaven. my birthday is thanksgiving and pumpkin pie has always been a fav or mine. just go to dlife and put individual pumpkin pie…
  • for sanlin20 i used to buy cheesecake too and i would end up eating the whole thing in a few days. i hate to tell you how many calories i was putting away. i luv cheesecake and this recipe i tried was fine for me. i also luv chocolate. i had to tell myself while i was eating it that i wasn't cheating.
  • this is for nomoreat3, what is the calorie break down for your recipe?
  • make the recipe it will kill you. you actually get to enjoy what typically would be about two or three slices of any other cheesecake. it was great and i will make it again. if you took it to work or a holiday buffet you better make quite a few. its that good.
  • and look up one serving chocolate cheesecake. you can always leave out the cocoa powder and substitue fruit. only 104 calories and it tastes great. already made it
  • i have read that cinnamon is a fat burner and that there is value in chewing cinnamon flavored gum for that very reason. i'm not a big gum chewer but i do use cinnamon in whatever i can.
  • thank you for stating the benefits of early morning exercise. i got used to getting up early and working out when i had kids at home. evenings were too busy with homework and getting dinner and catching up on the day. what i like is the feeling you get like being on the top of the world feeling. i guess that comes from…
  • hi, i hope you reach your goal. maybe its enough of a challenge to make it one day at a time. that's how i had to start because eating sweets was such a huge thing for me. it does get easier and it gets more exciting as the pounds roll off i.e. buying cuter clothes and looks from guys etc.
  • they're referring to good fat. like what you find in yogurt. actually even if you eat lean that is a challenge to stay at that number.
  • i just did my two forty min treadmill programs. tomorrow is my rest day. i don't always look forward to the exercise, the actual doing it but i do like the results.
  • in the mag i picked up recently is talks about doing exercises in the car. says that you should push your stomach out as far as you can and then suck it in pushing in to your spine. and as a stress busting bonus breathing deeply increases oxygen levels in the blood. and oxygen delivers extra fuel to cells for an…
  • i used to eat mayo but since last spring i have been substituting dijon mustard and oddly enough i don't miss it. on fit tv the other day it recommended doing just that.
  • i agree with the majority on not taking them. the one thing that fat burners don't do is teach you to eat lean. people look for a pill that will burn off fat. i don't think there is a substitute other than eating lean and exercise.
  • will he run with you?
  • what are you eating for your calories? what are your workouts like? I also read an article in First and it was entitled the female fat cure. in that article it stated that leafy greens and indian spices flush estrogen and plant fats block estrogen. we as women get estrogen that contributes to adding fat in our bodies from…
  • That is wonderful. The eggs for breakfast wouldn't be bad but you should have eggs only once a week and you can substitute bacon for turkey bacon and have 3 slices. The small battles are won with substitutions along the way. Keep up the good work!
  • you have to stick to the base calories 1200 for a woman and 1800 for a guy. don't go below that but get your cals from fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats.
    in Hey Comment by pamelawh October 2007
  • listen to loretta, she knows what she is talking about.
  • congrats! on your goal. that is an accomplishment and i know it has to feel good, maybe even a bit emotional. keep up the good work.
  • eat lean, check out some good meal plans to keep your calories at the desired level. get a good workout program started: weights and cardio. good luck. the biggest loser in your family what is the prize?
  • i got in my level 2 strength training 5 circuits and two 30 min programs on the treadmill. a challenge for to turkey day could be strength training and cardio however we should up the ante, whatever you were doing before increase it by 30%.
  • welcome! we look forward to hearing great things from you.
  • taebo and hip hop abs are good. i just got the bean and it makes crunches easy on your neck so you can concentrate on the burn in your abs. i see results the day after my workout.
  • our prayers go to CA. i used to live there and my son is still there.
  • i just read an article in a women's mag that said lay off soy and meats that are not organic. apparently there are hormones in just about everything and when women get those hormones it helps us gain weight. they recommended a lean diet, drinking 64 oz of water daily, fruits and vegetables and organic chicken and lean…
  • that's a huge problem! i saw the same show with the guy who was eating himself to death. i was eating dinner at the time and really wanted to chuck.
  • i did 30 min level 2 strength training of 5 circuits and 80 min cardio on the treadmill running program. i can remember some exercise classes that i have done that i felt like a total retard because the moves were awkward but i stuck with it until i got the moves down and then decided whether i liked it or not. i think…
  • you need to eat 1200 calories a day or your body will go into starvation mode and store what you eat as fat. add snacks like celery sticks or an apple or an orange. eat negative calorie foods in between meals. you don't need to wait until your hungry to eat sensibly. in fact if you are eating right you won't get hungry.
  • i feel what you are saying. proper nutrition and exercise have to be life style changes. you get a good menu plan, one that is low glycemic fruits and vegetables and lean meats keeping you at 1200 calories a day and you develop a muscle building plan for five days a week and cardio for five days a week. then you live one…
  • ditto on the fast food. that is what gets you into trouble. maybe you should take your lunch and eat out as a treat once a month.