Good for you! Enjoy the feeling and adjusting your perception of your body to your new reality! Rock that dress and bolero at the wedding!
I was a member at a gym in my former pre-kid life, and at that time the standard goal was between 25 and 28 for a very toned healthy body, so maybe aim for that? You are right, as you increase muscle mass your fat percentage should go down for two reasons: More muscle means fat is being burned more efficiently, and…
Hi there, I'm also 5'11" and I would agree with you. My weight could fluctuate by 10 or even 15 lbs. in the past with very little effect on the fit of my clothes. Things were more snug, but I would chalk it up to monthly bloating or something else. Losing weight at this height can be a little discouraging too. I have found…
looking forward to one of those! This was only my first day, but it went well. Maybe in about a year of such days I'll be at my goal :)