

  • My friend has it, it's called Vertigo and does have to do with the imbalance and ears. I'd see a doctor. They can prescribe medicine to help you balance out, but it does tend to make you drowsy when you first start taking it. She used to feel unbalanced alot, so much it'd keep her in bed. Once she got thru the intial…
  • Good for you!! Great job! I'm not sure if you have any outlets near you, but I buy the Reebok EasyTone and SimplyTone at the Reebok Outlets. I don't think they strengthen or tone my calves, butt, whatever...I just like the feel of them. Very comfortable. New Balance has outlets as well. I'd look there first. They have a…
  • My hubby made these once and they were DELISH! We had these and regular deviled eggs and the chicken ones were gobbled up so quickly!! The recipe is from They have other great ideas as well. You don't use any of the egg yolks in this recipe. Of course, you can reduce the mayo or use an alternative that works…