

  • :smile:
  • It happens. Don't fret too much. Try getting rid of the foods in your house that you shouldn't eat. Also, you might want to research some alternative foods, although nothing can imitate hashbrowns well. Although, I did make some mock cauliflower mashed potatoes (no potatoes!) and then with leftovers I mixed in some sauteed…
  • I've lost 13 lbs since September and have as much to go. For me, its been slow and steady - an average of about a half a pound a week. I've had a good stretch of days and then a couple of days where the diet didn't go so well, which is normal. But I get back on track. I can't do low calorie. I get weak and headachy. Been…
  • Are you the one buying groceries? If so, just buy healthier stuff and don't make as much food. If you both buy groceries, then . . . I don't know. Lead by example, I guess. If he follows, great. If not, then I still don't know.
  • I just always eat one meat serving (lean preferable) and some sort of vegetable that is low glycemic. Seems to work well for me. And when I want bread, I eat Joseph's Bakery pitas made with Oat, Flaxseed, and something else. Only 4 carbs a serving. They are pretty good! FYI, there are plenty of websites with low carb…
  • Definitely include plenty of protein: nuts, low fat cheese, lean mean. Protein helps a lot.
  • I eat supper! Mostly protein.
  • Using my current weight (163) to lose weight (1 lb a week) I should only eat 1200 calories. It just ain't gonna happen and that is why I use a lower carb approach. My calorie intake is not bad (about 1700 calories a day plus or minus) but it is not low enough to lose weight. The lower carb gets me there, if I'm good about…
  • I am a low carber. I count only the carbs that are not from fiber. To lose weight, I find that I need to stay around or below 60 net carbs a day.