

  • they took the words out of my mouth, but ive found if ya keep em its an excuse not to lose the weight so you can fit em still. <--- resembles that remark :(
  • today i hit 1000 calories n am clueless on what to eat for dinner. was thinging ramen noodles but i know its too much carbs. say no to hotdogs n burgers now, and there is too much cholesterol in eggs. again...clueless :( ooooo i might just have breakfast for dinner. eggs and pancakes (less syrup) should be ok Talk about a…
  • Cows have 4 stomachs to make grass/grain digestible, we have 1 to make cows digestible :) i couldnt have said that better myself...mmmmmmmm beef its whats for dinner :D In ARMY basic training, we got up, hit formation, did our pushups, situps, ran our butts off, then went back and ate as much as we could stuff in our…
  • ty for your responses. im not a big soda drinker, i prefer green tea. i do drink about a gallon of water a day tho so thats not bad. i like the idea of 2 a days. ill have to start doing that. i play basketball during lunch / breaks at work and then run after i get home at 5. I have started eating at Souper Salad alot more…