

  • I'd liked to lose five pounds! From 145 to 140 lbs. I'm still 15 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. I probably won't ever get there again, so I gotta get used to being a bit heavier than before.
  • I wanted to see the lower 140s and run three miles at 6 mph pace. I like and hate running at the same time. Ugh. It feels so good when it' s good but is so awful when it's hard.
  • A little late to the game, but here goes! Pre-pregnancy I was 125 lbs and on the day of labor I was 180 lbs! This baby girl was serious about getting her calories. I craved nothing but sweets. It has gotten so much better since I gave birth. Ice cream and candy is not as ridiculously delicious (Thank goodness). By the time…