

  • Congrats Danielle, he looks perfect! ♥ Also welcome to everyone who has joined, hoping your journeys are safe and healthy! AFM - I've been keeping pretty quiet. Feeling VERY tired all day everyday, plus feeling nauseous most of the time but not throwing up yet so I'm really grateful for that! I discussed my scan results…
  • Just thought I'd let you lovely ladies know I had my first scan this morning! I am about 5 weeks along. We couldn't see baby, just the sac thing. BUT everything is where it is meant to be!!! She said everything looked really good and the baby looked well supported. So happy now. Can finally relax and get used to the whole…
  • calcote05 & kcurtis05, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :) hope everything goes really well and smoothly for you!!
  • Thanks so much! its good to know other people have had similar things are survived! I am trying to stay calm. and also think positively. AnneElise - Yes at least I can maintain my protein. I got the what to expect when your expecting book, which I really like because it has clear outlines of what and how much of everything…
  • Thanks so much everyone for your advice :) I have set MFP to maintainence but I'm still REALLY nervous! I guess it will take a bit of getting used to after the whole weight loss mind set. Doesn't help that I was on a low carb, no dairy, high protein diet before, and now I have to completely change everything!! Has anyone…
  • Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum, as the doc has just confirmed I am pregnant!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaay :) A bit about me: I haven't been officially diagnosed with endometriosis but every symptom I have points to it (I was meant to have the test this month, but now I won't need it! phew). Hubby and I have been TTC for 12…
  • another thought: although I eat under my calories to account for miscalculation, I try to eat really healthy calories (I don't always achieve it thought :)) so that I am getting the most vitamins, minerals etc out of what I eat. I think there is a big difference between only eating one maccas meal for a whole days calories…
  • My goal is 1200/day as well. But i agree, if I get too close to it I feel so gross and like I have failed! I figure if I'm getting around 1000 on the board, then I'm probably at or over 1200 anyway (I read that people always underestimate their calories). So that's mostly why I aim to go under? I don't know about…
  • if people are noticing you getting smaller, maybe invest in a tape measure? I know that some of my friends have lost like no kgs/lbs at all but dropped a couple of dress sizes! with the over-doing it, i find that my body tells me if im going overboard (eg feeling tired and dizzy all day means STOP lol!). hope this helps!…
  • Hey :) I just joined and am on 1200/day as well! although I'm going to strive for the least cals possible. I used to be really weight conscious in my mid-adolescence but let it go a bit the past few years. I really want to get my body back how I like it now!! would love some support to keep me inspired and on track :)