Pregnancy - September 2011



  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Cali Madison Jones was born Friday, September 2nd at 8:27am! 8lbs 5oz, 20" long! She is amazing! :heart: All is well so far..birth story to come in a day or two!

    How wonderful, congratulations on your beautiful daughter!
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Cali Madison Jones was born Friday, September 2nd at 8:27am! 8lbs 5oz, 20" long! She is amazing! :heart: All is well so far..birth story to come in a day or two!

    Congratulations! I love seeing all these new babies! What a doll!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Jenna – we LOVED the pediatrician! It’s a group of 5 doctors we be pick a primary one that’d we see all time. We picked two the work together that both have very small kids of their own. I felt more comfortable knowing they would be going through that same things with their kids as I will be not far apart from each other, if that makes sense at all.

    Lindsay – welcome back!!

    Julz – we’re on the last box now!!!!! I’ve had pressure/pain in my lady parts for weeks. Some days are better than others with it.

    Caperfae – love your new pic!

    Melissa – as far as I know the hospital is the only place in my area where it can be done. My insurance covers it completely, so I have no idea how expensive it would be. Have you checked with your insurance company?

    Michelle – glad you had a great visit with your family!

    Lindsey – congratulations!!!!!!

    Hi to anyone I missed, sorry!

    We had our maternity pictures taken yesterday. The photographer is the wife of hubbys friend so she did it for practically nothing. I was really happy with the creative poses and props she used in the pictures and I can’t wait to see how they turned out. (However, I always hate how I look in pictures so we’ll see) They should be uploaded and sent to me some time this week.

    We’re both off tomorrow for Labor Day so we’re going to drive down to Philly and have dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. That will probably be my calories for the week but I don’t care.
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    bump :) xoxo
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    A friend brought over two big bags of baby stuff today. I really appreciate the generosity, but I guess I'm quite picky. There is a small pile of things I will be keeping and using, but a lot of it was either the wrong season (summer stuff for 3-6 months, which will be Jan-Apr) or more worn out than I wanted to use. She has a large family and they pass baby things around, so I don't know how many babies these things have been through (which doesn't really matter, itself, but all those wearings and washings add up).

    Part of me can't believe I'm almost there, and the other part of me is ready to be done with this already! I don't feel huge a lot of the time, just awkward and sore, but I look in the mirror before I get dressed and suddenly realize how big my belly has gotten! It's funny, too, to watch it jump as he moves :laugh:
    Getting comments on how "cute" I look right now. I'll take cute!
  • DeliriousOwl
    Hi everyone!

    I'm new to this forum, as the doc has just confirmed I am pregnant!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaay :) A bit about me: I haven't been officially diagnosed with endometriosis but every symptom I have points to it (I was meant to have the test this month, but now I won't need it! phew). Hubby and I have been TTC for 12 months. I am 20 and this will be my first pregnancy.

    Question (I have so many): I was on a calorie deficit to try to loose weight. I am still over weight technically. What do I do now I'm pregnant? Everything I have read says that I don't need to eat anything extra until I am in my 2nd trimester, but I haven't found anything to tell me what I should be eating NOW?? Should I be aiming to maintain my weight, or can I eat a small deficit? Any suggestions would be wonderful!!

    Congratulations on your pregnancies and beautiful babies :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Welcome DeliriousOwl. Congratulations! To answer your question - most of us just set to maintenance for the first trimester. It's true that you don't need to be eating anything extra (and later on you only need about 300 calories more), but you also don't want to be "dieting," either. I guess it depends on where you are now. I started my pregnancy about 20 pounds higher than my best weight, and once I got into the 2nd tri set MFP to gain 1/2 pound. I've gained about 15 lbs total (at 35+6) and stayed active with walking and swimming so I'm happy with that. It's most important to listen to your body (don't deprive yourself when you really are hungry) and get all the nutrients you need to grow a healthy baby. Has your doc given you prenatals? If not, at least take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid and 18 mg of iron (as well as all the other stuff).
    Do you know your due date yet? :smile:

    Oops, forgot to add: Many women get bloated in the first weeks of pregnancy. I think it has to do with the body adjusting to hormones, and it's mostly water retention. So don't freak out if you gain a few pounds right away and feel like nothing fits anymore. It usually goes away soon (to be replaced by the real baby gain later :laugh: )
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Exercise challenge for last week:
    Tuesday: Walk, 15 min
    Wednesday: Swim laps, 20 min, walking 10 minutes
    Thursday: Cleaning, 120 min
    Saturday: Cleaning, 60 min

    I don't always count cleaning, but we've been doing the heavy-duty, pull everything out of the closet and clean up the major junk heaps, and so it really was a workout!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm new to this forum, as the doc has just confirmed I am pregnant!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaay :)
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Rachel - congrautaions on your baby! What a story! 3 days of labor, I think you are my new hero! Great job! :flowerforyou:
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    I had the same question. I am overweight and could stand to lose about 100 lbs. My doctor advised me to just maintain my weight
    and not set for a defecit. So far I lost 14 lbs at the beginning of my pregnancy and have gained back about 8 lbs. So I technically am still down 6 lbs. Hopefully I can keep it up and not gain anymore. This is my second baby. My biggest advice for you is do not deprive yourself but also do not overindulge everyday all day. I made a bad habit of eating whatever I wanted during my first pregnancy. Unfortunately, I did not lose the weight after. I am hoping to use this site after this pregnancy to help keep things in check.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Oh and of course CONGRATS!!!!! So exciting!
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    -Congrats regina and lindsay!! Cant wait to hear your birth story lindsay and regina your such a trooper :flowerforyou:

    -ronya: enjoy the cheesecake factory!

    -DeliriousOwl: congratulations :smile: and welcome

    So I recently mentioned the fact that my fiance' and i are considering circumcision for our son (just to discuss the logistics of where is best to get it done, cost etc.) and OMG did i get some intense backlash! not only from youtube watchers but also from my friends back home in NZ. I was accused of not caring at all about my sons right to his own body parts, of being barbaric etc etc. I can honestly say i did not expect this, and to be quite frank it was abit upsetting to be accused of such things.
    Our reasons for possibly circumcising are medical and its also the preference of my fiance', as he is also circumcised. I have done my research and understand the arguments for both sides, the main argument for the negative side seeming to be that it can cause some desensitization and is an unnecessary medical procedure. My brother even wrote me a message saying that he wish he hadnt been circumsised at birth. omg what to do now! any advice is welcome:ohwell:
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    I had the same question. I am overweight and could stand to lose about 100 lbs. My doctor advised me to just maintain my weight
    and not set for a defecit.
    Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Has anyone else who is in the obese or overweight range received advice from their doctor that differs from the standard weight gain ranges, e.g., 11-20 pound gain for obese women and 15-25 pounds for overweight women? I have done a lot of research online and find very different advice, a few that even recommend weight loss (but probably not in my weight range). Of course I will see what my own doctors recommend when I see them, but I know there are different professional approaches out there. I am hoping to maintain during tri 1 and then hope to have very modest gains in tri 2 and 3, depending on what docs say. As you all know, there are trade-offs between gaining to ensure adequate nutrition for baby but also not exacerbating weight-related risks for GD and pre-e, so I'm not sure exactly what to do. Would appreciate hearing about anyone else's experiences.
  • FullmetalAlchemistMommy
    Hey ladies,
    I just found out that I am pregnant a few days ago. I haven't yet had a confirmation appointment with my doctor, but I think 3 Positive tests pretty much says that I am. I am having a hard time accepting that I am expecting as I have just now got the hang of my fitness and nutrition routine. I don't want to gain weight during my pregnancy, and seeing that I am still in the Obese BMI range, I can probably get away with not gaining anything and still have a healthy pregnancy and baby. I know that I do not need to increase my calorie intake until the 2nd and 3rd Trimester, and I think that is going to be hard for me. I don't hardly ever eat junk food anymore and I have a hard time as it is just eating my recommended calorie intake for my weight loss. I am fine if I can continue to lose weight while in the first trimester and maintain for the 2nd and 3rd. I know I need to bring all of this up to my doctor, but anyone have any thoughts on this?
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member

    this is a really really interesting video about circumcision, actually from the negative point of view
  • DeliriousOwl
    Thanks so much everyone for your advice :) I have set MFP to maintainence but I'm still REALLY nervous! I guess it will take a bit of getting used to after the whole weight loss mind set. Doesn't help that I was on a low carb, no dairy, high protein diet before, and now I have to completely change everything!!

    Has anyone had an ectopic pregnancy before? I am a worrier by nature lol. I have been having medium cramps in my lower right abdominals. I'm hoping its just stretching, or something to do with left over endo????? but scared sh*tless its an ectopic. I'm not doubled over in pain or anything, but it comes and goes throughout the day and night, and sometimes wakes me up. its worse when i have a full bladder. I have an ultrasound friday for dating, so I guess I'll find out for sure then :S
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    So I recently mentioned the fact that my fiance' and i are considering circumcision for our son (just to discuss the logistics of where is best to get it done, cost etc.) and OMG did i get some intense backlash! not only from youtube watchers but also from my friends back home in NZ. I was accused of not caring at all about my sons right to his own body parts, of being barbaric etc etc. I can honestly say i did not expect this, and to be quite frank it was abit upsetting to be accused of such things.
    Our reasons for possibly circumcising are medical and its also the preference of my fiance', as he is also circumcised. I have done my research and understand the arguments for both sides, the main argument for the negative side seeming to be that it can cause some desensitization and is an unnecessary medical procedure. My brother even wrote me a message saying that he wish he hadnt been circumsised at birth. omg what to do now! any advice is welcome:ohwell:

    I think it's a decision between you and your fiance. My husband and I had the same discussion. I don't really care too much either way, but my husband is adamant that our son be circumcised. Apparently his dad isn't (he was born in a rural area and it just wasn't done) and I guess he's had UTIs and a LOT of rashes. The AAP says it's even either way, as far as benefits; there is a statstically small decrease in infections and a very slight (probably statistically insignificant) increase in risks associated with surgery. So AAP and most doctors here consider it merely cosmetic. [There are a few instances when it is not advised, for example, my brother has hypospadias, where the opening isn't on the end, and it was better for him to be uncircumcised)

    As far as barbaric, I was present for both my other boys' circumcision, and it's really no big deal if the dr knows what she's doing. I had a mole removed from "down there" and it was as traumatic for me as circumcision was for the boys, and the worst part of it all was the anesthetic. And if a boy later decides or has medical necessity for circumcision later in life its a LOT more traumatic, generally requiring more of a general anesthetic and longer recovery time.

    As far as loss of sensation, I wonder how they tell. It's all subjective, and I know at least one circumcised guy who has never thought he was lacking any loss of sensation there! :embarassed: :laugh:

    Would they react the way if you were getting a baby girl's ears pierced? Thats another cosmetic procedure done in a dr's office (for babies under 12 months), and it's making the decision for her and "not respecting her rights to her own body parts" and all that, but I wouldn't expect the major negative reaction for that in general that people give for circumcision.

    Before my first son was born, I watched a video that showed both the "traditional" and the "metal bell" procedure, and researched them plus the plasti-bell (which is why I went with plasti-bell).
    So, IMO, do what you and your fiance feel is best and tell everyone else to BUTT OUT!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for your advice :) I have set MFP to maintainence but I'm still REALLY nervous! I guess it will take a bit of getting used to after the whole weight loss mind set. Doesn't help that I was on a low carb, no dairy, high protein diet before, and now I have to completely change everything!!

    Has anyone had an ectopic pregnancy before? I am a worrier by nature lol. I have been having medium cramps in my lower right abdominals. I'm hoping its just stretching, or something to do with left over endo????? but scared sh*tless its an ectopic. I'm not doubled over in pain or anything, but it comes and goes throughout the day and night, and sometimes wakes me up. its worse when i have a full bladder. I have an ultrasound friday for dating, so I guess I'll find out for sure then :S

    Sounds like ligament stretching. Ectopic will be a LOT of SHARP pain, which probably won't develop until 8 weeks IIRC from EMT class. I had similar pain through most of the first tri. At your first appointment, they'll probably to an internal ultrasound to see baby and you'll know it's in the right place. Risk factors for ectopic are having an IUD in place (and some other hormonal birth controls), history of previous ectopic, and maybe endometriosis. You mentioned you probably had endometriosis, but I don't think it's a much higher risk (and still much more common for a normal pregnancy than an ectopic).
    Call the doc if the pain gets really sharp and intense or if you start bleeding, especially bright red, but other than that, I don't think you really have to worry. You'll know for sure on friday!

    p.s. - I always have that same panicky feeling, and this time I couldn't get in until I was 11 weeks, so I know what you're going through. Try to relax and stay calm, it's better for you and for baby, even if it's not easy!! :wink: