Pregnancy - September 2011



  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    goldenfemale-I would definitely ask what your doctor recommends, but I think most people will suggest setting your mfp to the maintenance setting for now to simply maintain the weight you currently have, which will probably have you eating around 2,000 calories per day for now, depending on your stats. Its not really until the second and third trimester that you may have to add the extra 300 calories per day thats recommended for pregnant woman. dont stress too much, congratulations on the pregnancy :flowerforyou:

    mommy2cnG- Your boss sounds like a real tight *kitten* who obviously doesn't understand the challenges the first trimester of pregnancy brings, especially if your stopping smoking. Just keep trying to do the best you can, that's all anyone can and should expect. congratulations on not smoking for a week! thats awsome :smile: Thank you for the advice about the washing of baby clothes. where do u get yous from?

    JKilty- I'd say that a pad, paper, snacks and a bottle of water would be all you would need unless they have specified otherwise. Enjoy :smile: Let me know any good tips you pick up

    AFM: So im staying with my mum atm to look after her while my dad is away on work, she has been quite sick with an un-diagnosed illness for about a year now. At 2:15am this morning I awoke to a loud bang and yelling so I ran out and found that my mum had fallen whilst trying to move from her electrical wheelchair to the rocking chair and was on the ground. After deducing that she was alright we had to figure out how to get her back into the chair. With limited mobility and no real leg strength there was no way I could safely hoist her back up by myself, shes currently too heavy for me to safely attempt it. So, I ended up calling the neighbours who both came but both claimed to have bad backs so wouldnt help lift her, SO i ended up calling 911 who sent a police car and fire engine. They were very helpful. What a frickn drama!
    So after that of course i was so alert to every noise that I couldnt get to sleep until 5:10am, but of course had to get back up for work at 7:30. So needles to say im drained today, physically and mentally. I just so hope today goes fast.

    sorry for the vent :ohwell:
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    My step-mom called me yesterday to let me know she'd had my dad taken to the ER. He has neurofibromatosis, which causes nerve endings to clump in bundles (the Elephant man disease), and it's mostly a cosmetic issue, but his has been severe enough to cause mobility issues and back pain - he also has severe scoliosis in his lower back. Anyway, he wasn't able to move at least part of his body and she called for help. They did a whole bunch of tests and sent him home last night. I never did get any indication of what they think it is (my step mom is "slow" - just above what would qualify as mentally retarded). But she doesn't think she can care for him any more and is talking about putting him in a care center.

    Let me state that I have never really felt much connection, emotionally, to my dad - my parents were divorced when I was less than a year old, and I completely understand why my mom left. So I'm not overly stressed about it. But it is one extra thing to worry about right now, and it's especially frustrating to not know all the details. Neither my brother nor I are in any position to help, either with care or financially.

    I was hoping my cold symptoms would go away, but it's developed into a full-blown cold, albeit a mild one. Drinking tons today and considering calling the Dr to see if Sudafed is safe (does anyone know?). I just want to feel better before baby comes!!
    Also pretty sure I've been having mild contractions on and off since at least yesterday. Lower back pain and crampy feeling in pelvic area. But no patter to them, and not progressing into anything more yet. It's the waiting game. :grumble:
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    julz- im sorry to hear about your dad. If there's one thing i know its that the frustration of not knowing about a parents condition, or the details surrounding their well being. My mum is living in the medical capital of the world and they still havnt managed to diagnose her, its ridiculous. That family strain has also been a huge mental drain on me throughout this whole pregnancy, and im sorry you have to go through that.:flowerforyou:
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    I developed lower back pain after posting this morning, the throbbing kind that was pretty persistent and radiated around to the front. Finally went in to L/D around 2, and it started easing off :grumble: Anyway, they monitored me for a while and had me walk for about an hour. Definitely having mild contractions, but they're irregular and there is no progress so they sent me home. :sad:
    Still having a some pain, but nothing going anywhere. The worst part is that my daughter cancelled her babysitting job tonight because of it and she could have gone anyway.
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    I know this is a personal question but I'm really looking to you all for some advice! How much weight did you gain during 1st trimester? I have zero nausea and am constantly STARVING. I have tried to keep cals in check but have inevitably gained several pounds already and I think I'm just 6 or 7 wks along. =/ First Ultrasound monday to find out dates!

    Thanks so much guys. I just read you're supposed to gain less than 5 pounds (if anything) for the whole trimester and that has me discouraged so far. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Lindsay, hang in there. With my first pregnancy I too had no real nausea, but I think it was because I kept eating little snacks and meals all the time. I'm trying to follow the same plan this time around. I think a little weight gain is a fine trade-off for morning sickness, so the eating actually may be helping you with that!

    I think you're smart to want to keep it in check, though - I have found that adding small snacks frequently on top of normal to small meals helps me just as well as having larger meals, but with fewer calories overall. I like to eat cottage cheese, string cheese, wholly guacamole with some bagel chips, a fresh sliced apple, a Fiber One bar, things like that. Quick calories but not upsetting to my stomach and help me feel full.

    Also, you may find that your weight just fluctuates with bloating and water retention, so some of the gain may eventually go away (or slow down).
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    I thought that I would join in. I don't intend on trying to lose weight while pregnant, however I do intend on staying healthy though and I definitely don't want to put on more weight than what my body and baby needs.

    I've been struggling with 'morning' sickness and have found the small snacks do help, also anything with ginger in it (ginger ale, ginger tea etc) has really made a difference.

    I look forward to sharing yet another lifestyle change with you lovely ladies :)
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Danielle – Congratulations on baby Avery! He’s adorable!

    Bzbear2 – I think you’re doing great with your weight gain. And you’re still in the healthy range!

    Victoria – Sounds like you’re pretty set for your LO. And have a great time at your shower! I like both Indigo and Abigail.

    Melissa – I’ve definitely had the baby face in the belly dream! Fortunately I only had it once. Did you know you were producing colostrum before you went to your appointment? I’m sorry you had such a rough night.

    Kim – Great workout plan. In my first trimester I didn’t have a very good diet. It was mostly carbs, but as long as I tracked what I ate and kept up my workouts I could pretty much eat whatever.

    Julz – Congrats to your DH on his diploma! A new dryer is exciting. I think our washer is about to go out, but it keeps hanging out somehow. I’m sorry to hear about your dad. Even if you’re not that close with him, it’s still tough to know a family member is struggling. It sounds like your LO is almost ready! Hopefully you’ll be in active labor soon!

    Caperfae – I’m glad your appointment went well, even if it was long. Hopefully your cold doesn’t last long!

    Jen – Sounds like you have a great diet, so I would try not to worry too much about a little extra gain at the end. You’re still doing way better than when you had your DS.

    Elizabeth – Congrats on passing your test out!

    KatieKateB, Goldenfemale and R_mageddon – Welcome and congratulations!

    LindsayChick – I definitely had the starving problem for several months. It’s only been in the last few weeks that I’ve been getting full easily. The only thing that has worked for me is tracking my calories. I gained about three pounds in the first trimester, but then I went on a couple trips in the second trimester and gained a lot of extra weight when I was eating out a lot.

    Stacy – Congratulations to your niece!

    ElizabethRN – Yay for an extra ultrasound. Congrats on 12 weeks and no more M/S.

    Goldenfemale – I would set your calories to maintenance and then stick with tracking your food and exercise. Tracking calories is the only thing that has been working for me. Every time I’ve stopped for a couple weeks I’ve had big gains.

    Mommy2CnG – Congrats on your first ultrasound. I’m sorry you’re having such an awful time at work! At least quitting smoking is going smoothly.

    Jenna – Good luck at your childbirth class. I don’t start my childbirth class for a couple weeks.

    DeliriousOwl – You should be able to see more at 8 weeks. I had my first scan at 9 weeks and at that time I could hear the heartbeat and the baby looked like a little bean.
  • goldenfemale
    goldenfemale Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks ladies, I will definitely take on your advice. Im feeling better already! Tracked food for two days and I'm not gaining. Hurray!
  • FitMommyLuv
    Hey ladies just wanted to say hope everyone is having a healthy happy weekend so far :wink: ....i'm up super early with morning sickness this morning :ohwell: ...
  • Caperfae
    Happy Weekend!! The head cold is still kicking my butt but it is gradually getting better. At least my eyes stopped watering. I was pitiful all week. Hubby was making fun of me and I got ticked off stating that I couldn't take meds to help with anything so I was miserable! We didn't even have any Vicks vapo refills in the house because we used them up on our daughter to help with her cold.
    My bedtime insulin was increased again yesterday. Story of my life. It's always being increased. I started off at 3 units now it's up to 11 PLUS a different insulin before breakfast and before supper. At least I am full term now @ 37 weeks so there's light at the end of the tunnel and the 6 finger pokes and 3 belly shots per day will come to an end one of these weeks!! I am feeling fantastic (other than the cold) and for that I feel very blessed.
    No pelvic pain at all so I can still get the housework done. I think I'm nesting because I've even been wiping down the surfaces other than just mopping the floors this week, LOL ...
    We're off to visit hubby's mom this evening and spending the night there. He said if I my sniffles were too bad and I didn't want to stay the night he was going to come back home because he doesn't want to be too far away overnight in case I go into labor. I can't convince him that it's not going to be an immediate delivery situation and labor takes a while to progress.
    I have another appointment Monday afternoon. No talk of induction yet and that makes me happy. Baby isn't getting too big as a result of the GD so that's helping to keep that discussion on the back burner. Yay!!
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Caperfae - I'm with you on the head cold, even though mine has been mild so far (and may be a flu shot reaction instead). It hurts my tummy to cough or sneeze :cry: We are out of Sudafed, although I have heard that it is okay during pregnancy (haven't actually asked the doc yet), and things like Vick or anything are banned in my house due to my husband's extreme allergy to mint/menthol. So it's Tylenol and lots of fluids. Hope you are feeling better soon - it would not be nice to be delivering a baby and still coughing and sneezing!
    And yay for 37 weeks! Almost there, just a bit longer!
  • Caperfae
    Ohhhh yeah a menthol allergy would be tricky to work around during cold and flu season for sure.
    Going out to look for Halls Breezers later on since menthol isn't recommended in pregnancy anyway and they have to be sugar-free. Seems to be my only option. I don't take meds for anything, not even a Tylenol .. just my prenatal vitamins and insulin, lol
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Lindsay- Yeah i knew before hand, it had leaked out a few times when i wasn't wearing a bra which resulted on wet blotches on my t-shirt and bed
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    I think I want to increase my fiber to keep things...ahem...moving. I'm finding that I've been less regular in the last couple weeks. I have a box of All Bran that I add to my yogourt, maybe I'll start having a bowl for breakfast.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    R_maggeddon - yeah, that definitely crops up from time to time through the average pregnancy. I always try to eat foods high in fiber when I notice an issue - beans, raw veggies (salad and broccoli are especially good), whole grain bread or even pancakes (made from flour I grind myself!!) etc. The other nutrients in the foods are good for you and baby, too.
    You also might want to ask your doc about Citrucel. It's an easy way to add in fiber, but I don't know if it's recommended during pregnancy (I don't use it, but I've had family who have for various similar issues).

    AFM - had a party at the park to celebrate my daughter's birthday, which is this Wednesday. It was fun, but I'm tired (as always :laugh: ). Still having contractions on and off, but they still don't seem to be progressing at all yet. My husband's brother and his wife (and kids) want to take us to a dollar movie this afternoon, but I'm not sure I can sit through a movie right now. And what if this suddenly became active labor (haha, wishful thinking).

    It's also the big rivalry game this weekend here in Utah - University of Utah vs. BYU. This rivalry has been going on for decades!! I wish I had t.v., just for today... (GO UTES!!!!)
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    I am currently in my second semester of four for the LPN program. Going on for my RN and BSN after that. Sorry it took me so long to respond.
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Julz - My DH and I are going to a going away dinner for a friend so we won't get to watch the game either. But we're Utah fans too!
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Julz - My DH and I are going to a going away dinner for a friend so we won't get to watch the game either. But we're Utah fans too!

    We listened on the radio. It was a pretty pathetic game ... too many turnovers and stuff. The final score tells all: UofU 54, BYU 10. Happy that Utah one, but I'd prefer a more exciting game. :laugh:
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Are we seriously almost into October? Where did half of September go? Some of you are getting super close to your due dates! Are you all excited?