Pregnancy - September 2011



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member

    They did say that the baby was now breach, which would explain why im carrying more comfortably (he started head-down). I'm really really hoping this changes before my due date as I would really love to give birth naturally, but I will also mentally prepare myself for the possibility that i may not be able to.

    Hey Melissa,
    Still plenty of time to turn. My LO was flipping all over the place still until just about 5 days ago. If you're worried, check out for safe techniques to encourage the baby to get into the right position.
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    This week has been all around rough. I failed a med admin test out yesterday. My first time failing a test out. Now I need to pass on Wednesday or I fail the class. Anyone who fails the class this semester does not get to continue on to clinicals next semester. I am trying not to even think about that as I will pass tomorrow. Tomorrow after school I have an ob appt and then our u/s echo is on Thursday. I am a bit nervous about the dr as I have seen a spike on the scale of a couple pounds in the past week. Yikes, if they say something I might bust out crying with how my week is going. Hope you are all having a better week than me.
    Good luck, sounds so stressful, hang in there!!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi there!
    Just a quick check in (procrastinating at work).
    Doing well here. Snacking all day to keep the nausea away. LOL Tried a prenatal workout DVD last night. It really kinda kicked my butt! I think I will try to get it in atleast once a week, then zumba once or twice a week, and walking every night I don't get to either of them. I can't wait to get in to the doc's! It seems like the 28th is SO far away! And the few people I have shared our news with is asking if we are having twins. I would love it. We do have some in the family and with the use of clomid I guess there is a slightly increased chance.
    One of my friends just had a baby girl and she only weighs 4lbs 15oz and she was full term. I think officially due this Saturday. That's just crazy to me!

    Hope everyone is have a great week so far. :flowerforyou:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Kim - lol about the twins questions. People asked me that every time I've been pregnant, even though there's no family history at all! Even after the first apt and ultrasound and seeing just one embryo, people still kept saying "are you sure you're not having twins?" One at a time is enough for me, thank you! Of course, if you want twins, then hoping that you get your wish! :happy:

    Melissa - that can be scary! Glad everything is looking good. Chances are good he'll turn again (Ronya's did just last week) and enjoy the less pressure while you've got it!

    Victoria - glad to see you back here!

    Elizabeth - hang in there! School + pregnancy can be stressful! I have a weekly physics lab that I'm hating and really thinking of dropping. I think I'd rather tackle it next semester. You'll pass this time!

    AFM - Dr's apt went well. Up 2 pounds from 2 weeks ago, for a total of 16. Blood pressure was 148/85, but he's not worried (yet) even though it's high for me, since no protein in urine and very little swelling. And I'm 1.5 cm and 50% effaced ... totally shocked me, since usually that doesn't happen until labor starts. He did say it could happen any day, but that the "any day" could still be 3 weeks away. He also okayed flu shot (any time after 1st tri is okay) so I got that today too. Here's hoping for a baby soon!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Hmm, think I'm having a mile reaction to flu shot. Bit of a sore throat and headache, plus the slight congestion I've been having all pregnancy. This is the first time I ever got one, so I don't know what is "normal" for me. Oh, and my arm (where they gave the shot) is sore!
    Now to get hubby and kids in for theirs (they usually get them anyway, so it'll be no big deal for them).

    Think I'm going to skip my regular Wednesday morning swim. But as I say that I feel guilty and want to be in the pool, so I don't know yet. :laugh:
  • Caperfae
    UGH ... my daughter caught a head cold her first few days into the school year. She's over it now because she gave it to me .. wahhh!!! It started with a sore throat and has now progressed into a full blown head cold .. complete with a watering eye. I look marvelous, lol .. I hope it passes very soon because I am miserable. I shouldn't complain too much since this is my first head cold for the entire pregnancy but it's no fun since I can't take anything being pregnant with GD.

    My last appointment went well. Only gained 1 lb in the last week and I am assuming it was the baby who chunked up a bit. BP was decent. Was hooked up to the NST machine for a long time. Then had to wait for well over an hour to see the OB (typical) and he increased my bedtime Insulin dose again. Then walked to the Diabetic Clinic where they took my BP again and talked to me about the same old thing.
    My next appt is on Monday and I have to take my daughter with me since it's at 3 PM and she'll be out of school by then. My following 2 appts are in the morning so I can go solo. Please let my cold be better before Monday *fingers crossed*
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Ugh!:angry: Anyone struggling with weight gain in the last trimester? I thought the weight gain SLOWS in you last couple of weeks?! I don't know what the hell is going on, but I'm getting really frustrated. I have done so well with weight gain this time up until the last month. I started out at 136 and I'm 5'6. As of today I'm up to 163. I have GD so my diet is the same every day. I walk every night for the most part, sometimes 2 times per day. I have pretty much NO sweets (again, the GD) and eat pretty much right around 1600-2000 calories per day depending on how active I am. I'm also drinking aroun 100 oz. Sodium level is set at 1800 which for the most part I stick with. I don't get it. I have gained 6 pounds since August 17th, 2.5 gain at my last visit in one week! I keep seeing the scale go up and I'm getting really pi$$ed! I really wanted to keep my gain under 30, but I'm 35 weeks 3 days and I'm up to 27 total. :frown: Any ideas?
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    jenzimmer - so sorry to hear about your frustration! I'm really new at this pregnancy thing (and still in my second trimester) but my understanding is - everybody is really different! And it sounds like your baby must just be having a last minute growth spurt because you are making all the right eating choices, so I encourage you to EMBRACE it and just enjoy the end of your pregnancy.

    As my good friend says - 5 pounds here or there is not going to make a big difference after your pregnancy - and it's simply not a priority right now. Your body is doing what it needs to do and you are taking the best care possible. And as I said - every pregnancy is different! Everything will be ok!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    jenzimmer - so sorry to hear about your frustration! I'm really new at this pregnancy thing (and still in my second trimester) but my understanding is - everybody is really different! And it sounds like your baby must just be having a last minute growth spurt because you are making all the right eating choices, so I encourage you to EMBRACE it and just enjoy the end of your pregnancy.

    As my good friend says - 5 pounds here or there is not going to make a big difference after your pregnancy - and it's simply not a priority right now. Your body is doing what it needs to do and you are taking the best care possible. And as I said - every pregnancy is different! Everything will be ok!

    That's true. I guess I'm just freaking out because I gained 50 pounds with DS and it took me over 2 1/2 years to get that off. I know I'm no where near that, but I just wanted to keep the gain slow. I guess my body is going to do what it's going to do!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    I hear ya with the weight concerns. The other day in class I said I have to watch my weight and what I am eating. My friend said hello!?!? You are pregnant!! She said you are supposed to gain. She is somewhat correct but I am trying to also have some self control. If you are making healthy choices though, staying active and still gaining I don't think there is much you can do. Hang in there I know it is tough. Just remember you will probably be one of the lucky ones that leaves the hospital in your pre-pregnancy jeans with your little one. If not you will kick but afterwards getting back to losing.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    MathJulz~ The fair sounds like a lot of fun. Glad hubby could make it with you. The Michigan State Fair has been canceled because of money issues (of course) and I totally miss it. My family and I used to go every year! You’re getting SO close! I’m excited for you and glad your check up went well.

    Bzbear2~ Great attitude on the weight gain. I’m 6 weeks and up 2lbs and hoping I can keep it going at a nice slow pace and keep your attitude. Yoga sounds great right now. I had taken a few classes in college, but I think a prenatal class would really be enjoyable. Let us know how it goes!

    Elizabeth~ Sorry you are having a terrible week. Best of luck on your exam. I’m really hoping the rest of the week only gets better for you!

    Fingers crossed dpage617!

    Mukie89~ Glad everything checked out ok!

    Capefae~ Sorry about the head clod. I really hope it doesn’t stick around long.

    Jenzimmer~ I completely agree with Bzbear2. Your body will do what it needs to keep that baby safe and healthy and you are making some great choices. Try not to beat yourself up, you are doing great!

    AFM~ Doing ok… nausea is creeping up a little stronger as the days go by. Yesterday was a terrible eating day! Will power was completely nonexistent and felt so sick that moving to compensate was not an option. The scale reflected all my bad choices with a 1lb gain in one day! So today is going to be full of water and a workout DVD tonight weather I feel sick or not. 2 weeks till my ob appointment! I can’t wait! I’m hoping we get to see our li’l bean or at least hear the heartbeat.:bigsmile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I feel your pain, I'm basically going through the same thing. I've been eating about 1900-2000 cals since the end of the 1st tri and just in the last few weeks the pounds are packing on !!!
    I'm really not doing anything different so the only thing I can think of is that the baby is just keeping more of what I consume somehow. My belly has really enlarged in the last few weeks but my face, arms, legs etc are still normal so I've decided to keep on consuming what I have been and try not to worry about it too much.
    Having a very slight amount of water retention but not enough to account for more than a pound or two.

    I'm up 25 lbs as of Tuesday and 4 of those was in the last 2 weeks !!!!!!!!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    I PASSED!!!! I am sooooo happy. Woo hoo.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    I PASSED!!!! I am sooooo happy. Woo hoo.

    YEEESSSSS!! So happy for you! COngrats!!!! See the week is getting better! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks Kim. Had my 24 weeks appt after my test out today. Im at the same weight as I started my pregnancy so I am okay with that. Doesnt leave much wiggle room but I have adjusted to that. I am measuring at 26 weeks. Heard the heartbeat and was sent on my way. U/S echo tomorrow. Hope you all have a great day!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Ugh!:angry: Anyone struggling with weight gain in the last trimester? I thought the weight gain SLOWS in you last couple of weeks?! I don't know what the hell is going on, but I'm getting really frustrated. I have done so well with weight gain this time up until the last month. I started out at 136 and I'm 5'6. As of today I'm up to 163. I have GD so my diet is the same every day. I walk every night for the most part, sometimes 2 times per day. I have pretty much NO sweets (again, the GD) and eat pretty much right around 1600-2000 calories per day depending on how active I am. I'm also drinking aroun 100 oz. Sodium level is set at 1800 which for the most part I stick with. I don't get it. I have gained 6 pounds since August 17th, 2.5 gain at my last visit in one week! I keep seeing the scale go up and I'm getting really pi$$ed! I really wanted to keep my gain under 30, but I'm 35 weeks 3 days and I'm up to 27 total. :frown: Any ideas?

    Relax, breathe! I know you want to keep your gain down, but if you think about it, you were in the healthy range when you started, so the recommended gain is 25-35. If you gain 1 lb a week, you'll be within that. Some pregnancies just have more gain associated with them - extra fluid, larger placenta, bigger baby, etc. I gained 35 with #2 and lost that weight the easiest - he was also my biggest baby. I think I gained 40 with #3 and I had to work harder to lose, but it was more about my eating habits after than the amount I gained. As long as your blood sugar is well controlled, don't worry too much about a slightly higher number on the scale; focus on a healthy baby!
    That said, I understand the feeling. I remember watching the numbers go up and freaking out, too.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Congratulations Elizabeth!!

    We got a surprise in the mail today. My husband's diploma (Associate's Degree) came! We didn't expect it because he got a couple of low grades in the Spring and we thought he was going to have to retake the classes. But apparently not!! WOOHOO - now he can apply to the University to work towards his bachelors!!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    I PASSED!!!! I am sooooo happy. Woo hoo.
    Congratulations, great news!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Congratulations Elizabeth!!

    We got a surprise in the mail today. My husband's diploma (Associate's Degree) came! We didn't expect it because he got a couple of low grades in the Spring and we thought he was going to have to retake the classes. But apparently not!! WOOHOO - now he can apply to the University to work towards his bachelors!!

    That is so awesome! Congrats to you guys! Probably feels great to have that out of the way.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Congratulations Elizabeth!!

    We got a surprise in the mail today. My husband's diploma (Associate's Degree) came! We didn't expect it because he got a couple of low grades in the Spring and we thought he was going to have to retake the classes. But apparently not!! WOOHOO - now he can apply to the University to work towards his bachelors!!

    That is so awesome! Congrats to you guys! Probably feels great to have that out of the way.

    Thanks. We were in total shock. He even called the school to make sure there wasn't a mistake. Then he started crying! :laugh:
    (He's that kind of guy. He cried when he heard the baby's heartbeat too).