

  • This is for you not for either of them. Other women will be jealous and you DH may be affriad of losing you. I had a boyfriend a few years ago tell his mom he didn't want me to lose weight because he was affraid I would change. He siad she is so beautiful already she will get so much attention it will go to her head. He…
  • I was told that my twin is a porn star but she had a nice body too. ick!
  • Never go to bed angry. Excpecially someone you love. You never know if it will be the last time you see them. Never take for granted what you have whether it be people, finances, or items. It may have taken you years to get what can disappear in 30 seconds.
  • That is so funny! I do the same thing. LOL As the first person. I sneeze 20 to thirty times in a row everymorning. But only in the winter. In the summer I sneeze when I brush my hair in the morning.
  • I have the same calories. I try to sread it out evenly through out the day. Breakfast is very important and I feel if you have to do more calories for one meal it should be breakfast. I myself find if I exercise after dinner I cant sleep at night so I think that it depends on your metabolism on when you should exercise. I…