

  • well thank you to everyone who took the time to give a good suggestion. I appreciate it and I will use all the ideas!
  • thanks, ruby thats a good way to look at things- no restricted eating times...nice. But I cant very well go banging around in the kitchen this late either, so I should just be better prepared, story of my life lately. But thanks again. :)
  • really? I would have to master the art of drinking plain tea~ I'm a 5-TBSP of honey kinda tea drinker....but its worth a shot. I have decaf lipton, is that okay? I hope it doesnt act as a diuretic. lol. thnx
  • PS: I have been taking out my new stroller the last two weeks everyday down a block or two, but its the kind that bounces and vibrates when you go over bumps in the sidewalk and your baby spits up from being shaken so much. ha. so I'm working on getting an off road style- tho I think the baby has to be a certain weight…
  • wow that was fast, thanks for the support- I think this site and its members are just what I need to get off the nest of pillows I've been in for the last four months and (hopefully) stop drinking 3-6 cans of Pepsi a day! ...yes its true, I'm addicted to caffeinated beverages. for shame. But I wanna turn it all around, and…