

  • Mmm, sounds yummy!
  • These look delicious and healthy, thanks! Got to try them!
  • Oh I forgot, another favourite, which I'm just having now actually, is cottage cheese with smoked salmon offcuts and some kind of dried herbs, I like dill. High in protein and very filling!
  • Things I like to eat: A couple of fresh figs cut into quarters, about 3 slices (15g) of proscuitto ham torn up and about 10g of blue cheese crumbled in. Sprinkle 1tsp of balsamic vinegar over it all. On its own it's about 130 calories, but it's really nice with wholemeal or rye bread. Couscous, with frozen peas, grated…
  • Yes, that's motivating - thanks for sharing that one! I only signed up a week ago, and am trying to start exercising regularly - it's nice to know I'm not on our own with this, and I will see benefits in time!
  • Shiratake noodles are great! I live in Japan now, so can get them really easily! I really should eat them more, although did have them today actually. Yes, you should rinse them thoroughly, then cook them with vegetables and a splash of low sodium soy sauce until all the liquid has disappeared. Like tofu, they are pretty…
    in noodles Comment by fit4hols May 2010
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