

  • feel free to add me!
  • i like this idea :D i also thought about keeping a journal of all the "good" things i've done for my health during the day, so i can really reflect on what a difference i'm making. (i.e. went to the mall today-walked past auntie ann's pretzels, baskin robbins, starbucks, and yocream without stopping) it's little things…
  • I drink 2-3 cans of diet sprite & coke a day, and my weight loss has been comin' along just fine :) in fact, i'm drinking one right now :) Also, if you crave the carbonation, sparkling flavored waters are pretty good as well!
  • oh. my. gosh. that is AMAZING!!! :D
  • lovin' the spongebob pants!
  • Well i think i will be able to keep the stress weight off with the continued support of the folks on here :D it's so helpful to have a whole site full of people who are going through the same thing as you! Elliptical with TVs attached?! Oh my gosh that's fantastic. It makes working out so much easier, if i could go on a…
  • --->The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (my next tattoo is inspired from this book) --->The Shack by William P Young --->Do I Look Fat in This? by Jessica Weiner --->Who Moved My Cheese? by Dr. Johnson --->The Relationship Cure by John Gottman (actually a book I had to read for a college course, I ended up loving it) --->Fish! A…
  • I am excited but also nervous. I got a job as a student ambassador for my college, which should be fun, but i also have a job at Build A Bear Workshop (yes, it is THE best job ever) and i will be going to school full time. I am afraid the stress will cause me to start emotional eating again, and i really do blame my 30lb…
  • Do you have a microwave? My mom works in schools as well (front desk receptionist) and she has a stock of paper bowls and plastic spoons and makes instant oatmeal, it's very filling and if you make it with water it cuts out milk calories! I have a bowl of oatmeal (Quaker Oats Weight Control-130 cals) plus a FiberPlus bar…
  • Girl, i would KILL to look like you! And I'm sure there are many other people who would agree with me :) You are beautiful, and your weight loss is amazing. You should try to focus on how far you've come <3