

  • I love Salmon with some Dill, Lemon and Garlic... Nom Nom Nom! ;)
  • I love this! ;) Think I will see how weird I can get people to look at me while I attempt to walk sideways at the lake tomorrow! ;)
  • Everything is Ok in moderation... I think if you aren't gorging yourself with Diet Soda you are fine! However.... the caffeine and the time of day you drink it... can effect your sleep.... which is ESSENTIAL in your exercise and nutritional needs! :) Hope that helps!
  • I had the same concern... I use stevia and agave to sweeten now and I drink Shakeology a healthy nutritious meal replacement that gives my body all the nutrients it could possibly need and then some. The combo has REALLY helped me kick the habits and get into great shape! :) feel free to friend me on FB at…