

  • Cardio: 20-30 minutes per day, 4-6 days per week. Start out slow, or else you'll end up thinking it's too hard and you'll give up. Good forms of cardio include jogging and jump rope. I try to stray away from the machines, especially the elliptical. Although it reduces impact, jogging burns more calories. Weight training:…
  • P90X is effective, however you can can the same results - better results - by educating yourself and using your own custom workout plan. I have never bought a DVD or any workout program. Even with low metabolism and an inch to pinch, I have that o-so-desired six pack and strength to back it up, which was attained without…
  • I wouldn't waste any money if I were you. A good strength training workout is out there without having to pay $19.95+ for one. In addition to 20-30 minutes of cardio per day. Try splitting each day of the week into separate body parts to train for strength (ex. chest, back, abs, legs, shoulders, biceps/triceps, rest). For…
  • You could have a few problems on your hands; Poor running form, poor posture, old shoes. Running form - running form is key to minimize impact on both your shoes and your feet. Make sure your arms lead slightly before your legs, and concentrate on stride length rather than speed. Poor posture - if your dominant leg is your…
  • I can tell you (as someone who works with weights 6 days a week) that weight training does not help reduce belly fat/skin. Your best option is to do 20-30 minutes of high intensity cardiovascular activity per day, and watch your diet closely. Don't limit carbs or calories too dramatically (no more than 20%) or your body…