

  • Great job, huge improvement in the face picture... Hope it feels good, keep it up.
  • Try swapping out some of your double session days with a strength/cardio day instead... Keep whichever cardio exercise you are most likely to do even if you are busy so you stay motivated. Throwing in some strength stuff will totally help your metabolism and get you out of plateau. Even if its just 2 or 3 days a week the…
  • You want results, you want to feel better about yourself, neither of those will happen while you are asleep.... GO TO THE GYM... Also you better reply after lunch that you went or everyone here is going to yell at you ;)
  • Thanks so much everyone, I really appreciate all the support I'm getting around here. It just means I'm going to make it to the next goal.
  • That's amazing, congrats on all that hard work paying off!
  • Hi there, I'm in pretty much the same situation as you, just started my 4th week of P90X, and absolutely love it. The estimate they give you in the book is about 600 cal per workout but I think that is based on a global avg of 4200 per week divided by 7 workouts. Obviously you are burning more calories during Plyo than…