Hi and welcome! I would suggest that you use this site to it's fullest potential paying particular attention to the food journal. Simply having the accountability of logging your food intake helps as you see the calories increase as you enter. Do you exercise and keep busy? I am in recovery (not for food addiction) and I…
This may sound a bit weird but I put about a cup of it in my morning smoothie. I use skim milk, flavored protein powder, flavored yogurt and lots of frozen and fresh fruits (blueberries really help mask the green) . I also include a small banana - acts as a thickening agent. Add ice and blend until thick and smooth. I…
You are right on about the fad diets that have come and gone for generations. Most are quick fixes that I sure as hell would not be able to maintain of a long period. It is about a balanced diet that is "clean" (not overly processed) eating and getting regular exercise. Portion control is key as Americans usually eat way…
I think this has been mentioned but MeetUp is a good way to expand socially! There are a lot of things you can do with them. :happy: You can try the dating sites (which can be a lot of fun and a lot of work) or you could do some solid volunteer work (I volunteered at an assisted living place).
Hmmm, Binge day... I would say that if you are at a caloric deficit for most of the week and then binge (which means what? Half a cheese cake?), is not really a good approach to eating. It is fine to reward yourself now and then as we are only human after all. I agree with SarahNicole to "treat yourself" once in awhile. I…
Some soreness is to be expected but it should not be debilitating... I have come to understand that gentle stretching the targeted areas will help reduce the soreness in the future. Always warm up to get your core temperature up and the blood circulating and drink plenty of water. Post workout soreness is often attributed…
BTW - that is her in the picture!
Hi Sandee - the weight loss CAN happen! My good friend Deb who is 50, was about 217 at 5'2". Today she is at 145 and now in a size 10 - down from a size 24! She has an amazing workout ethic and belongs to the same gym as I do... Granted this did not happen overnight (neither did our weight gain!) but she has been so very…
Welcome Megan! Use the tools and motivation on this site and try to stay consistant in your new, healthy eating habits as well as with Zumba... It is worth it!
Hello - it is just not the amount of calories consumed but also the portions at any one time, the type of food (ex: simple, processed sugary carbs vs low processed, fiber rich, whole grain) and adhering to the USDA food group recommendations. For me, I work out daily with good duration and intensity, and it is at least 80%…
Butch - congrats on your upcoming nuptials! Glad you joined this site as I believe there are so many tools at your disposal to help you with your fitness goals! Well worth the work to optimize your health!