

  • hi i am also doing the C25K on week 2 going ok although I find the running up hill hard its good interesting to see how many others are also doing this. I am also about to start the clean and lean plan i would like to loose about 2 stone count me in
  • not sure what you are referring to this is not just about organic its about choices and no where does it say you must take supplements. Also not sure where the rant about ignorance and so forth came from simple questions asked was have you done followed the plan if so how did you do , i presume that you have not followed…
  • I have purchased the books today and intend reading and planning next week. Would like to know how you are all getting on since your posts.
  • Hi New here but mine arrived this morning. I also do the classes well I started last week, but cannot afford more than 1 a week, so got the Wii for in between. I think that it is obviously not the same as the classes however It is really good fun and you do work up quite a sweat with it. Good luck hope it goes well T
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