wii ZUMBA!

Buying WII ZUMBA tonight :-)! Looking forward to getting started on it! However I cant afford a HRM at the moment, so was wondering what I should log it as? Aerobics? Or Danceeeeeee? :D Thankssssssss!


  • CaleighAnn
    I love wii zumba, Its so much fun. You forget you are even working out
  • mrshickey
    i log it as aerobics- depending on the routine, low or high impact.
  • tinkerbelltanya

    New here but mine arrived this morning. I also do the classes well I started last week, but cannot afford more than 1 a week, so got the Wii for in between.

    I think that it is obviously not the same as the classes however It is really good fun and you do work up quite a sweat with it.

    Good luck hope it goes well
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Check out www.zumbacalories.com
    Or invest in a good HRM for a more accurate calorie burn reading.
  • HayleyDavison1
    HayleyDavison1 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone :-)! Iv heard great things about Zumba & very excited to get started!! :-)!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I LOVE Wii Zumba! It works up a crazy sweat!!!!

    I always log it as "dancing/modern/twist/"