

  • Hi, I have gone from 17.3 to 16.10 so have only lost 7 pounds.
  • Hi as for the last few posts: I have quite clearly stated that although I have an immediate target in sight I view this as a long term project. I am quite clearly new to all of this as I stated about my lifestyle, so was looking for constructive advice not negativity. My comment about muscle gain was me pointing out that…
  • Although I see this as a long term project I have a holiday in 3 weeks and my very athletic brother-in-law will be there so would like to have a little boost for the beach I am not feeling any negative effects to the low calories, I am only hungry around meal times and am not really craving anything and not struggling for…
  • Sorry, figures relate to st &lb. I have been trying to combat water retention by consuming 4 litres of water everyday (having used an online calculator). Does that make sense, if not how long would I have to wait for the normalisation?
  • Sorry, what is leangains intermittent fasting?
  • I have been dieting for approx three weeks, I haven't had any weight gain in that time but haven't lived a very healthy lifestyle for the last 12 years and I'm only 30. I can notice a slight difference in body shape and my belly fat seems to have loosened somewhat (more jiggly) but I haven't gained any noticeable muscle…
  • Photogrrl - looking for help not hindrance In terms of exercise I have gone from nothing to ccyling and some interval jogging. Only every other day and not for that long. The reason for the defect I have a holiday in three weeks and have a very athletic brother-in-law that I have to lie next to on a beach so thought I…
  • Thank you for you replies, to stop my metabolism from stalling I have been consuming 4-5 240 calorie meals usually high in protein and consuming sugar-free energy drinks and some coffee etc. How would consuming more calories aid a loss? Many thanks, True
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