3 weeks struggling to lose weight...



  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member

    You have only been life changing for 3 weeks and you are already complaining about not losing.. With that type of attitude you are going to have a long and bumpy road.

    First off what kind of exercising are you doing ? Straight cardio/Strength Training?

    What kinds of proteins are you eating?

    You really need to drop the energy drinks especially the carbonated kind.. ... Bad
    Your Coffee isn't bad it just depends on what you put in it.. Creamer ? ... bad..

    Stop the whining, and start looking at this like you would look at a problem you need to solve at your job ..

    Up your calories.. Do 50/30/20 Which means out of a 100% food intake 50% is protein, 30 % is GOOD carbs, and 20% is GOOD fat... MFP will break it down into grams for you .. Look at my diary. over the curse of a week to get an idea..

    Eat 5 SMALL meals 3- 4 hours apart .. .. My schedule looks like this.... Early morning work out ( 4:30 am ) Finish by 6:30am Eat breakfast in form of a shake consistent of Whey Protein, Water and mixed fruit usually ... That serves as a Recovery/breakfast

    Eat a AM Snack 3 hours later .... Eat lunch ... 3 hours later eat PM snack .. 3 hours later Dinner.. Before bed still a little hungry ? Take a scoop of whey protein with water..

    Its not hard, You will get there..With food.. get into a routine you are comfortable with that still is in line with your goals.. As for Exercise ... get into a routine you are uncomfortable with because thats where you will see change...
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Yup, seriously eat more! Good quality food - fruit, veges, low fat dairy, lots of lot fat protein, lots of water, low sodium but do eat up to or nearly up to what MFP suggests.

    Good luck!
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    If you eat too few calories the weight will fall off at 1st, and pile back on even quicker the moment you begin to eat again!! This is why people say more calories = more weight loss! If you are honestly just losing for a special event in a week or something the ONLY way would be to simply not eat until your event (although as soon as you eat your scared and starving body is going to cling to every single calorie and not let gooooo and all that weight will come right back. :huh: ) The ONLY way to keep weight off is slow and steady (and people who frequent this website might rip you a new one if you ask for help with quick fixes!!)

    Stick with a lower calorie, higher nutrient rich, more exercise lifestyle for a year and I gaurantee you will lose.

    good Luck~
  • paytonOMG
    paytonOMG Posts: 33 Member
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    OH and if you are doing straight cardio the othe rposter is right you will lose fat but not gain any muscle.. What are your goals here..

    And bottom line lets assume you are weight training 3 - 4 times a week you will not see much muscle develop under your fat for some time.. Its there.. You just can see it due to the extra padding....

    More important thing to focus on than vanity is how you feel... The more you do the better you get the farther you can go ..
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    Eating more calories could help lose weight, because eating too few, causes your body to not function properly. Same goes for water. Too little and you retain it in your tissues. If you eat closer to the suggested net calories, you should lose easier. I know from experience. Also, if you aren't lifting weights, then you won't get the toning you're wanting. W're not talking bulking up, just toning. Light weight, high reps.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Sorry, figures relate to st &lb.

    I have been trying to combat water retention by consuming 4 litres of water everyday (having used an online calculator). Does that make sense, if not how long would I have to wait for the normalisation?

    So 17.3 stones to 16.1 is 241 to 225. So you have lost 16 pounds in 3 weeks? Sorry my British math is bad, is that correct? That's very good weight loss if I calculated that right...
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    it's only been 3 weeks. you won't lose weight like on the biggest loser.
  • Hi as for the last few posts:

    I have quite clearly stated that although I have an immediate target in sight I view this as a long term project.

    I am quite clearly new to all of this as I stated about my lifestyle, so was looking for constructive advice not negativity.

    My comment about muscle gain was me pointing out that this would not count against the weight loss (if that makes sense)

    Pleas don't read into my comments as complaining, I know how difficult this will be and thought I was just doing more to help myself towards my goal. I haven't felt any ill effects so was not overly concerned at having such a low calorie intake and believe that I could have adopted this new lifestyle as it is making me feel a bit better about myself. The reason for the initial post was merely trying to work out how at almost half the recommended calorie intake why I was only losing 2 lbs a week which MFP said I would lose by consuming 1847 calories per day.
  • Sorry, figures relate to st &lb.

    I have been trying to combat water retention by consuming 4 litres of water everyday (having used an online calculator). Does that make sense, if not how long would I have to wait for the normalisation?

    So 17.3 stones to 16.1 is 241 to 225. So you have lost 16 pounds in 3 weeks? Sorry my British math is bad, is that correct? That's very good weight loss if I calculated that right...

    Hi, I have gone from 17.3 to 16.10 so have only lost 7 pounds.
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    YOu want to build muscle.. Building Muscle = more fat loss.. the scale will come down but you will have bigger victories when your pants sizes change for the better... The number on a scale means nothing .. Don't get all jacked up over the scale..
  • Your not eating enough... and I know it sounds ood. If you dont eat enough espically when exercising your body will go into survival mode... and that isn't good for your efforts. It tells your body to store fat to survive and can lead to muscle loss to support the buring on energy. If you do lose weright it is likely to be only a quick fix and will lead to yo yo dieting.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Sorry, figures relate to st &lb.

    I have been trying to combat water retention by consuming 4 litres of water everyday (having used an online calculator). Does that make sense, if not how long would I have to wait for the normalisation?

    So 17.3 stones to 16.1 is 241 to 225. So you have lost 16 pounds in 3 weeks? Sorry my British math is bad, is that correct? That's very good weight loss if I calculated that right...

    Hi, I have gone from 17.3 to 16.10 so have only lost 7 pounds.

    Oh gotcha, I was reading it as 17 st, 3 lbs to 16 st, 1 lb. I would suggest hitting the MFP recommended calories for a couple weeks and see if that increases your weight loss. Good luck!