

  • I've posted this on here before, but I once lost 10 stone (140lbs) in just under six months. I was 'surviving' (it wasn't living) on 600 cals a day and exercising at least 3 hours a day. I didn't 'educate' myself during this time and I didn't listen to anyone else who thought I was looking worse rather than better, while…
  • Me too. I appear to be the one the instructors are scared of approaching for some reason. No idea why, I'm not big and scary honest....
  • 14lbs or 6.35Kg I have to say I do agree with the original post, sometimes you flat line on your loss (I've been doing that a while) but never fear, things will get moving again and as long as you keep things going you'll get to your destination.
  • Just to clarify what I said. I don't think 'just swimming' is a good way to lose weight either, instead it should be mixed in with other workouts. But as a low impact exercise there's not much better and mixing in a good swim with everything else is just as good as spending one day running, one day cycling :) Plus if…
  • Swimming is great, it burns a lot of calories and works different muscle groups, I would say front crawl or backstroke don't use 'butterfly' especially if you have back issues as it can cause problems. As for losing weight, it's as good as most other methods of cardio with the bonus it's low impact and works more muscle…
  • Wow. That's all I've got! Well done you!
  • Dear Legs. Stop aching after my 4km run/fast walk yesterday. I need to do 5km in two weeks time, BEHAVE YOURSELVES. Thanks. Me
  • Yeah, go for a nice long burn in the morning, and enjoy the evening. Don't sweat it, not like you're going to eat there every day so enjoy this one off and then make up for it before/after :)
  • My problem is I'm so busy... Here's an example. Friday I worked 8 hours, rushed home grabbed my car, drove back near to work (London parking/congestion charges means I can't drive to work and night time transport means it would take me 3 hours to get home) didn't get time to eat and dj'ed for 7 hours straight with no…
  • Definitely track everything. First couple of weeks if nothing changes for you then look at what you've done while you've been tracking and see if there are any small changes you can make that may kick start your weight loss. Drink plenty of water. But drink it in small sips not big gulps. Try to cut down on sodium intake.…
  • All Bran for breakfast? That usually helps me if I'm having a bit of trouble... Edit: Oh wait, I missed the bit about refined carbs :s
  • Ok.... let me go hunting... The idea is 'this' is the starting position, and what you want to do is extend your arm until it's straight and repeat 3x10 you should feel this in your tricep (the opposite side from your biceps) muscle. Basic bicep curls will help as well as some shoulder work, and definitely some push ups,…
  • Now being a bit of a wrestling fan.... I'd like for Christmas:
  • Q: What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female? A: Male, 36 Q: Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount? A: I chose 2lbs a week. Q: What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)? A: Sedantary because it is. I work in an…
  • I'd say eat what you're comfortable with. Exercise cals for me are a buffer, it means I'll eat regular but if I'm a bit hungry later on there's space for that yoghurt or a bit of toast. I always try to come in under my cals, I'm still up on 1700 per day so it may change as I get lower but we'll see. If I tried to always…
  • Doner Kebabs are the devil, they are loaded with salt and other preservatives, also they are so high in fat its not even worth thinking about. However. Shish kebabs, the 'just meat' grilled and put in a pitta bread, one of the healthiest fast foods you can get, load it with salad (hold the sauce) and you've got yourself a…
  • My two are like Stewie from Family guy.
  • Meh Dogs rely on humans for everything. Humans rely on cats for instructions. There's the difference. At least that's what my cat tells me.
  • Nice thread. I'm not a runner at all myself. But I'm doing a 5km 'fun run' in December, never done anything like it in my life so it should be interesting to see how I do. I'd better get training then! :D
  • The answer is. Whatever suits you! If you can get up and do an hour or two in the gym before work or whatever you're doing that day, GREAT! If you can go mid day taking a break from work GREAT if you have to wait until the evening SUPER! The answer is, as long as you're working out, who cares what time you do it? I'm sure…
  • I love it when I'm losing weight, there's a confidence I feel about myself which is great. When I don't lose I feel unsure, and need that boost of losing again. I think the weight might be a symptom of the problem rather than the problem though. Whats up?
  • In my boxers at the gym, after a workout. No photos.
  • 2lbs? So what? That can be a day of water retention, that can be a bad afternoon. Forget those 2lbs. Don't weigh yourself for a week, be good, track everything stay positive and see if things get better. Honestly if you feel like a failure after 2lbs. Get your head straight, all of us know it's not easy, all of us, we all…
  • 1: Did you change your diet immediatly or work into it? - What I did was change the main diet, I dropped 'junk' in my diet and stuck to cooking for myself as much as possible (No, it's not always possible) even just watching what you consume and cutting down a bit can help. This site has been great in helping track where…
  • Awesome job! :) I'm considering doing my first 5k charity run in December. Never done anything quite like it before but I really like the idea. Plus it's a cause I love so why not get out there and do it? Today I walked 3.7 miles and I think with a bit more training I could've jogged that.
  • Two things. 1. I work for a company called Sports Interactive as Head of Quality Assurance. 2. I've been dj'ing for the past 16 years (almost 17 now) I use 2 to get rid of the stresses from 1 :) Doesn't leave a whole lot of time for anything else though :)
  • Sparkling water & Sugar free fruit cordial. Win.
  • I know how you feel. I was drinking up to 4ltrs of diet coke or pepsi max per day. I found great success just going cold turkey, putting up with the headaches for 2 or 3 days and then... everything was fine. I don't crave it any more I know how much damage it does to me and I want to be healthy. You can get off it, just…
  • Learn to love the ache and work through it. It means things are working. Now I'm not suggesting you go ahead and have a normal work out, do stuff with light weights and work on other parts of the body if the ache is too intense, swimming is an excellent idea! But also be aware that your muscles will work out what you want…
  • The scales are not your friend. If you're doing the right thing and keeping your food and exercise going then you'll see results in the long term, don't worry too much about going up a couple of lbs or not losing for a few weeks, you're changing for the long term not short term success. Just keep going!