

  • Great Job to you and your wife! You are doing a great job, take it slow and don't push too hard. 3 minutes is 3 minutes better than before! I say do what your body lets you and you will continue to get better. I have a cousin that is also working on his weight and doing a great job at it.. I am so proud of him, and he is a…
  • I did the same thing after measuring my food.. I found I was eating so much more than I thought. Ugh.. It never ends, any way I think I am going to stick to chicken and turkey for a bit.. Just find different ways of cooking it. I found chicken chilie is great.. Thank you
  • Thank you! those steamers are great.. I just have to work on the eating less and good:happy:
  • I love chicken, turkey, sometimes steak and some fruit.. I will try this, I will just have to learn to cut back on some of these things. I do find that when I eat something I really don't care for.. I eat more or something else. Thanks for your post!:happy:
  • Thank you I will try that.. something I didn't think about trying:happy:
  • Went on my first one last year August and going on another in Sept. Eastern Caribbean also. Love the first cruise, and planning just to hang out on the ship this time. Sunscreen, sea sick patches just in case,and favorite hang out clothes.. Have fun on your cruise.. oh which cruise line are going on
  • Hello There! I want to lose about 30... How are things going for you?:smile: