

  • For cheese, I've never done reduced fat. I just don't like the taste/texture. I love my cheese!! For milk, always whole. I think it's healthier and keeps you satisfied longer, and I don't use all that much, so... For yogurt, I eat a lot of it and go back and forth on full fat vs low-fat. I like the lower cals of Chobani 2%…
  • Hi, I've been making kefir for awhile... this isn't typical. How many grains do you use? How long do you let it ferment? Are you in a warmer climate? Try using a smaller amount of grains (a teaspoon) and/or shortening the ferment time. The warmer it is in your home, the quicker the ferment time is. Here in Michigan, 24…
  • This is a good idea, I do it often, and make a "recipe" out of it if it's something I think I'll eat more than a few times. Also, if it's a chain restaurant, many of the dishes are in the MFP database already, or if not, you can find the nutritional information on their website.
  • Huh, so even though your FitBit is only counting steps, not heart rate, you find it matches the calories burned pretty accurately? That's interesting. I've been debating between getting a step counter and heart monitor ... maybe I just go with the step counter.
  • Thanks again to all for the info on TDEE. It does make sense that it averages out over a week, but ^^ this is probably what I'll end up doing, since I like the "reward" feeling I get from the MFP method of logging exercise/earning calories. It's a good motivator for me.
  • Thanks, everyone. Very helpful. I've looked at TDEE and I'm not sure I understand how it works (or maybe how it would work for me). The calculators I've used only allow me to select very generic information on my level of exercise. How can they calculate the calories I burn? The exercise program I'm doing is 30-40…
  • If your diary were public, it might be easier to see what's going on ... But "Your Daily Goal" is your Net. Base goal calories (1200) + what you burned in exercise = Net. So if you burned 771 calories today, your "Net" Daily Goal should now be 1971 calories. Did you log all 1200 calories you plan to eat today? If so, your…
  • I've been doing - they've got a free 1-month membership, try it and see what you think. Different programs incorporate cardio with different muscle building and toning exercises, such as body weight, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc. I find being in a program keeps me motivated - I could never exercise as much as…
  • Wow, love your results! This gives me hope. Thank you. One more thing to add for the OP - since you said you aren't working out right now, one thing you might consider is I have absolutely no affiliation, but I subscribe and I love it. Workout at home, lots of variety, and some nice challenges. Just get…
  • This is essentially the same question I posted here: The advice I could glean goes something like this: 3 x weekly weight lifting while eating at maintenance level (don't log the lifting, so your net calories are a bit below maintenance) On…
  • Thanks for the reply! I was under the impression that I needed heavy cardio to lose the body fat, no? If I understand your advice correctly: 3 x weekly weight lifting with lower body while eating at maintenance level (net calories below maintenance) On opposite days, do light cardio for net maintenance I don't have a gym…