dandur Member


  • OH NO! Don't take fun and games away either! Wherever will I find a forum with nothing but "Does/will/how/would.... the person above?" and "Add a word/drop a word" on page after page after page after page....
  • It's simple: Wear a mask: You're doing your small but important part. Don't wear a mask: You care only about yourself while using the pathetic "but my freedoms!" excuse to justify it. This a black and white issue. There is no gray area. Period.
  • It's a rebranding of Atkins. What is old is new again. That being said, if it works for people then kudos.
  • Mac and cheese with hot dogs cut up into it. Yeah, I'm a 49 year old that likes to eat like a 6 year old occasionally.
  • Chunky Salsa. Tabouleh.
  • Holy *kitten*! Amazing. Your dedication is inspiring.
    in ME ME me Comment by dandur April 2020
  • Jalapeno poppers should only be filled with cheddar cheese. Cream cheese filled ones are like biting into a huge zit. Edit - the cream filling of Oreos is disgusting. Tastes like sweet lard. I'd definitely buy a "biscuit only" version of them.
  • Fitnotes. Simple. Free.
  • For simplicity... Fitnotes. For more options and customization with automatic input and tracking... Jefit.
  • Hex/trap bar dl's for me. Conventional and sumo leaves my body saying "Stop that!"
  • Just finished season 4 of Peaky Blinders. Wow.
  • Pretty much everything here: https://dashingdish.com/recipes/shakes She uses greek yogurt or cottage cheese as the protein source in many of them.
  • Oxidative stress (the rusting of our engines) and the shortening of telomeres (the copies of copies of copies thing you mentioned). Two major factors in the aging process. Search those and you'll get a much better picture of what's really happening. Very eye opening.
  • Start from the floor up. Get some horse stall mats and make a DIY lifting platform. Kinda like this one but doesn't need to be so big: https://youtu.be/3gqlfWXdWVs Do NOT buy mats from a fitness supplier. Stall mats are the same thing but hella cheaper.
  • The Division with my brother and son. Best coop game to come down the pipe in a LONG time. Fun as hell solo, too.
  • Pool Break Pro. The best billiards game on Android. I've tried them all. Fantastic multiplayer, too.
  • S.S. Must've got you mixed up with someone else. DIU "It's also nice because you can use a neutral grip (if you prefer that) and you can't hit your shins/knees (good for non-painful volume work IMO). " Both excellent benefits for me. Especially the neutral grip. Have calcific tendonitis in both shoulders and keeping them…
  • I remember a while ago you mentioned in passing about how you were doing trap bar deads (due to injury? I forget). How'd that go? Favorable? Would it be something you recommend or nah? Would you classify it like a pseudo-squat like I've read on some websites? What about for someone with probably worse than average hip…
  • While I'm sure every one of your clients' warm up is different depending on the person, what is something that you universally recommend as far as a comprehensive warmup prior to kicking *kitten*? edit - wording
  • We cannot become who we want to be by remaining who we are.
  • A few years from now when you're all famous and touring the country with book deals and promoting your own line of workout gear/equipment we'll all be "Hey, remember when SS was on MFP and like every 4th post was about his protein farts? How far he's come!"
  • Thank you so much for the detailed answer, SS.
  • Re Bolded: You're right...reading/understanding fail on my part. This was a daunting read for a scrublord like me http://jap.physiology.org/content/jap/121/1/129.full.pdf
  • What are your thoughts on the recent McMaster University study that found that high reps and low reps are essentially equal in terms of strength and mass gains as long as muscular fatigue/failure is produced? And depending on those thoughts, how would you go about training a 45+ person with regard to joint/tendon/general…
  • 1 minute bag work 20 burpees 1 min bag work 20 air squats 1 min bag work 20 jumping jacks 1 min bag work 20 lunges 1 min bag and on and on and on... The possibilities are endless
  • There might be too much give to foam rubber. I would recommend the harder rubber flooring that you'd find under commercial gym equipment. Just don't buy it at a fitness supply store. It can be much cheaper at a farm supply store. Farmers use it to pad horse stables. Same thing, better price. edit - something like this.…
  • Rye and coke.
  • Jefit. There are no others.
  • The dozens and dozens of "person above you" threads on this board. On every conceivable topic. Would you wink your left eye and wiggle your pinky finger at the person above you?
  • Just a quote from the comments that had me snorting my coffee: "So I made a Sims 4 character based off me, and since I tend to play games after getting back from the gym I made him go the gym each time I went. It took all of about 5 workouts for him to progress past me, and I'm now in direct competition with my virtual…