Relax! have a coffee and read a book or watch t.v..
I use ground coffee but I put use the coffeemate and international delight flavored coffer whiteners. You can get sugar free and fat free. I don't have sugar at all now and sometimes I drink my coffee black..takes a little while to get used to. :happy:
Keep track of what you eat even w:hen you don't feel like it. Remember that protein and fibre are good. Start your day with a good breakfast and try to exercise. :smile:
I was inquiring about that program. Does it really work or would a protein shake work just as well?
Feel free to add me as well.
I started it on Monday and I barely made it through the first level. Keep at it. A friend of mine got into it and lost 20 lb in a matter of 4 months. It is a little difficult at first but you can do it. Do your own pace!