

  • Thank you! Success Stories are so motivational and inspirational! You deserve the acknowledgment and recognition! Stay Healthy!
  • It must be a guy thing. My husband doesn't count calories either, it drives me nuts. For him it is carbs and fiber. I am doing low carb and counting calories. That is what works best for me. If you are doing low carb then you can give yourself a little wiggle room on the calories!
  • I always wondered if there was a difference when holding on to the treadmill. I just started to let go and noticed a huge difference in my heart rate. I agree, better to not hold on! Thanks for sharing! Learning as I go!
  • To keep your metabolism up. You dont want your body going into starvation mode. I know it sounds odd but sometime diet fail because we arent eating enough!
  • I do most of the time but that is because I need to in order to stay satisfied. My rule of thumb is that if I am truly hungry eat! I have been told that you need to eat your exercise calories to keep your metabolism up.