HUGE Calorie Burns



  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    just got a HRM and tonight's bike ride I went at it with 70% average heart rate for 50 minutes and burned 850 calories. Next time I will do 60 minutes which will put me in the 1000 calorie mark. Also I did 30 minutes of walking during lunch so I was at 1100 calories for the day.
  • I always wondered if there was a difference when holding on to the treadmill. I just started to let go and noticed a huge difference in my heart rate. I agree, better to not hold on! Thanks for sharing!

    Learning as I go!
  • My bike rides usually set me up for 2k-3k cal burns- I bike anywhere from 28mi-40mi at a time and I wear a heart rate monitor. Back when I used to swim on a team, I'd burn ~2k a practice (2hrs).

    Low impact for longer duration = higher cal burn
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Most of those 2000 calorie burns are probable men? And with large builds

    So NOT TRUE. I run about 1000/hour on my bike rides. So when I do a 2 hour one it's 2k plus. Oh and I wear a HRM.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    A big person or a long workout.

    The most I've ever burnt in one session is about 900 cals and that's for about 90 mins running.

    Don't worry about other people, as long as you are exercising you are doing well. I think it would be hard to eat enough to burn that much and stay healthy anyway, so don't sweat it!
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I can burn over a 1000, but I have to work out close to 2 hrs.
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 945 Member
    If someone is biking hard for an hour or doing a "real" bootcamp...then 1000 calories for an hour is quite legit.

    Lots of the high calories are from machines like treadmills or ellipticals that estimate higher than reality. Wear a HRM for an hour on the same machine and compare and I guarantee they are 20% lower than the machine.

    Burning 1000 calories in an hour walking even at an incline is I think ridiculous. I'd have to see if with a HRM to believe it given that 58 minutes of the toughest P90X cardio routine is not going to burn even 800 calories.

    I would say you can burn about on average 350 calories a half hour unless you are a person of a very large frame.

    Before I bought an HRM, I'd get all kinds of questionable results from the DB here or the machines In my home despite them being programmed to my specs. I've noticed the bike was way over and the dread mill was way under actual burn tracked by HRM

    There's a couple of things I do that cranks up the burn:

    Yesterday I did P0 express fat burning, but I pause it at the high cardio spots and double the exercise (high knee kicks, cross knees, etc). I did that for 30+ min and burned 535

    Before that I started with weight training that I use short rests and keep moving. I did a total of 270 reps and burned 333

    Then I got on the dread mill for 60 minutes. Avg speed is 3.8, incline never below 4 but what really gets the heart going, is I use 10lb free weights while walking. I do curls or individual shoulder presses at least three sets but usually five. Calories burned 781

    I finish on the stationary bike on a high tension program also using weights, usually curls. Burned 678

    Add the morning dog walk through a nature trail at my house, 244 burned

    Total burn yesterday, 2551

    Yes that was a lot of time, and my legs feel it today, but adding those extra things really gets the heart going. (no, I don't always have that much time but some days I'm motivated to break a certain number or lose a certain amount by a certain date )
  • songofserenity81
    songofserenity81 Posts: 138 Member
    I wear a HRM and on a good day I will burn 700 to 1000 cals in a 2 hour walk in a circuit of the village I live in. I'm about 8 lbs from the Doc's target of 147 lbs for my 5'4.5'' height.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I'm 6'-2", 250 lbs and ran 3 miles at about 5.5 mph and then walked 3 miles at around 3.5 mph and according to my HRM I burned 1295 calories. It took me 1-1/2 hrs to do those 6 miles.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    238 here, and after a 75 minute intense bike ride, my HRM said i burned 1400 calories. however, i use what mfp estimates it at so that i'm under counting my bruned calories.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I imagine there are three reasons for such huge burns:

    1) Some people overestimate or wear dodgy HRMs
    2) Some people are really large
    3) Some people are real fitness enthusiasts.

    I agree that some figures get a bit mind boggling though. I'm a 5'1" female of about 112 pounds so I can work out at the gym for 3 hours and only burn 800-900 calories! It's almost annoying that some people can burn 1000 in just one hour - especially if they then let themselves have 1000 calories extra to eat :p
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 945 Member
    I'm neither of those three but I'd like to be #3. :)

    I just go and do different things to shake it up and burn a ton.

    Ps, I can never eat back the cals. I just try to stay in the 1300-1800 range.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Burned 1005 in 56 minutes of Zumba last night. I wear a HRM and am still in the morbidly obese category on those fun charts... for now. :grumble:

    I :heart: ZUMBA!!
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    Most of those 2000 calorie burns are probable men? And with large builds

    So NOT TRUE. I run about 1000/hour on my bike rides. So when I do a 2 hour one it's 2k plus. Oh and I wear a HRM.

    Yep. Same here. I was amazed to find out that the activity I love the most could burn so many calories.

    Of course, that's not a ride around the block with the kiddos at 6 mph. I average 14 to 15 mph and hit a lot of hills too. I've got a 50 miler scheduled for Saturday. That'll be my longest distance so far this year. I can't wait!
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    I do long bike rides on the weekends sometimes - I'm talking 60 miles or more. You can get a huge calorie burn that way.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Huge calorie burns are honestly over-rated. Unless you've fueled your body for them before hand, your body will most likely not be burning much fat. Higher intensity workouts cause your body to burn a little fat, but extending the workouts then cause your body to start breaking down protein and burning that instead of fat, depending on several factors, including amount of deficit, intensity of workout, and distance of fat store from the muscles that are out of glycogen (note: just because you have fat on your legs, doesn't mean the body is using the fat store on your legs to fuel your leg muscles, the location that the body retrieves fat from is genetic, and has nothing to do with current activities.)

    Not to mention that studies have shown that high intensity exercise (higher total calorie burn) and lower intensity exercise (lower total calorie burn) actually burn the same amount of fat in a 24 hour period.
  • brendant1
    brendant1 Posts: 17 Member
    I burned over 1500 calories playing squash for 11/2 hours. I love the completive nature of squash followed by a good sauna then a cold beer (winner shouts)
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I would say you can burn about on average 350 calories a half hour unless you are a person of a very large frame.
    that is about how much i burn on a treadmill for half hr wearing a HRM, then i do another hr and it givese me 1000 calories.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    In just 21 pounds I have noticed a drop in what I burn on the exercise bike (wearing hrm). Was around 827 and is now around 775.

    So yeah, I can log big numbers...but I am still fat!
  • FelizMi
    FelizMi Posts: 79 Member
    They say an hour of zumba a "regular sized" person burns almost 900. I know some people stay for the 2nd session, a second hour, and do other stuff after, so I'm not shocked by someone burning 2000 extra calories in a day.