HUGE Calorie Burns

Okay..maybe I am missing something, but how in the world are people posting 2000 calorie burns. I run and do the eliptical etc. as well but have never seen such huge numbers. Someone shed some light for me?


  • hannahdiaz2
    treadmill at a 15% incline at 4.8 miles an hour for one hour is approximately 1000 calories. then just do random activities at the gym until you get the other 1000.
  • rockylucas
    rockylucas Posts: 343 Member
    Most of those 2000 calorie burns are probable men? And with large builds
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Just remember that the larger you are the more calories you burn. For example my husband can burn over 1000 calories on a power walk for an hour and I'll only burn 550.
  • jgbigman
    jgbigman Posts: 63 Member
    Most of those 2000 calorie burns are probable men? And with large builds

  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    I would say MOST of those posted 2000 cal burns are grossly overestimated.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    The bigger you are, the more calories you expend to do the same things as small people. Its another reason they normally have to eat more to maintain.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    Some people just have way too much time on their hands! (or lots of time to dedicate to their health, which is good). If you walked for 4 hours, you'd be surprised how much you burn. but who has 4 hours to walk?

    that's all.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    A lot of it depends on your weight. Heavier people will certainly burn a lot more than someone at their goal weight.

    With that said, I will usually run 10-13 miles on any given saturday, burning 1000+ calories. On top of that, i'll spend my afternoon doing some sort of activity with my daughter (kayaking, bike riding, etc) to burn another 300-400.

    A lot of people work out twice a day for an hour at a time. That would easily put you over 1000. And think of people training for marathons. That could easily put them within the 2000 calorie range.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I can do 2000 calories with a good bike ride.
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    When I was bigger I could easily burn 1000 calories in bootcamp classes at the gym
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Turbo Fire works for me, I don't burn 2,000 but I average over 1,000 calories burned then I join a challenge on this site. Right now I am following the Turbo Fire schedule everyday then I am doing the September Challenge with a 4 minute Tabata workout (you can use any tabata workout on youtube).
    I probably average 1,400 calories burned a day.

    Are you using a heart rate monitor that displays calories burned? They say that the ones on the machines are not as accurate. Not sure how true that is but someone posted that recently.

    well I hope your ?'s get answered.
    Good luck
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    I post my work on weekends when I can't workout I work ten hours pulling pallets of soda around j normally only log three hours "moving furniture" and three hours "2 miles per hour walking" Rhys not ten hours by any means, but I don't wanna log ten hours. Just doesn't seem fitting, even if I'm on my feet.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I would say MOST of those posted 2000 cal burns are grossly overestimated.
    I would have to agree with this.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    The bigger you are the more you burn. Plus, look at the times on those workouts. Those folks are usually spending 2 to 4 hours a day working out. I know I have burned 1000+ with 2 hours or more so its possible.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    treadmill at a 15% incline at 4.8 miles an hour for one hour is approximately 1000 calories. then just do random activities at the gym until you get the other 1000.
    As long as you don't hold on. I RARELY see anyone doing 15% without holding on. That can reduce the resistance by 50%. Might as well set it 7% and not hold on.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    well..if people are over estimating..they are only hurting themselves....cause if they are eating back those calories..they are probably over eating..which doesnt help the overall ideal of losing weight.

    I know for me..I am at 9 pounds left to lose..I am lucky to burn 600-700 a day..
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    If someone is biking hard for an hour or doing a "real" bootcamp...then 1000 calories for an hour is quite legit.

    Lots of the high calories are from machines like treadmills or ellipticals that estimate higher than reality. Wear a HRM for an hour on the same machine and compare and I guarantee they are 20% lower than the machine.

    Burning 1000 calories in an hour walking even at an incline is I think ridiculous. I'd have to see if with a HRM to believe it given that 58 minutes of the toughest P90X cardio routine is not going to burn even 800 calories.

    I would say you can burn about on average 350 calories a half hour unless you are a person of a very large frame.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Occasionally on a weekend, I'll spend the whole day on my bicycle. That burns through quite a few calories.
  • maryloo2011
    I average 10-13 calories per minute when I work my *kitten* off at cardio - so a 2000 cal burn would take around 3 hours! I don't think I could last that long. Nor do I have that kind of time :)

    Agree with weight, though. Co-worker was surprised at how few cals I burn biking to work but it is because I am pretty lean already.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Most of those 2000 calorie burns are probable men? And with large builds

    My hour run last night was ~950 calories, I've gone on longer runs on the weekend that are just over an hour and a half and burned close to 1500 calories. I would not say I'm a "large build." (Not any more, anyway and "omg, can't believe I wrote that...") 5'11.5", ~191 pounds.

    2000 calorie burns are entirely possible, just takes a lot of time constantly moving. I would think any of the long distance runners who are in full-on training mode would be able to hit a 2000 calorie burn easily and regularly.