

  • people swear by ZUMBA fitness - which is dance aerobics http://uk.playstation.com/zumbafitness/ if you want something more Punchy/Kicky - try UFC personal trainer - http://www.movemodo.com/reviews/2011/08/ufc_personal_trainer_the_ultimate_fitness_system_ps3
  • Required Viewing for everyone - James Randi explains Homeopathy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWE1tH93G9U
  • I don't do the MLM business end side of Isagenix, but I do use the products. I've been using the shakes to supplement and to help control my caloric intake. The products are the real deal, they are high quality, I highly recommend them.
    in Isagenix? Comment by Duppt December 2011