

  • Close. 53, 5 ft, 1. SW: 172 CW: 163 GW: 130
  • You go girl!:happy:
  • I got the Polar for Christmas and really like it. Heart rate, calories burned, makes you really aware.
  • Whatever you season it with, add a very small amount of olive oil and white vinegar. Say you have a dry spices you are going to use, add those to your baggie, drop in your chicken add about 2 tbls olive oil and white vinegar. Squish around the bag so that everything is coated. Put in the fridge at least 20 minutes. When…
  • I guess being nice is just too hard for people. It takes way too much effort to think of something nice to say I guess. :devil: :devil:
  • I got a Polar for Christmas and love it. Had no idea how much I was burning in bootcamp or what my heart rate was.
  • Hey, don't get discouraged. Your body is thinking it needs to hold on to or add fat to keep up with what you are doing. Keep your carbs low, eat breakfast. Increase the tension on both the bike and the eliptical for 10 minutes, then go back to your original. I was the same way when I started bootcamp in October. Gained a…
  • Hello! I'll be 53 in July and am trying to get about 33 pounds off. Not easy. I have started a bootcamp 3 days a week and while the scale is not much different, my clothes fit better and I feel better. If you get to a plateau, your body is tired of what you have been doing. You have to shock it and shake things up. You can…