catlovesmakeup Member


  • I'm from the UK, Wales. I'll send you a friends request now!
  • Oh, can you post pictures onto these forums?
  • Thanks! Yes this is exactly what I want to do, lose it at a steady pace, so in 6 months, I'll be where I wanna be. I don't wanna lost it in a couple of months, then end up putting it back on by June! Slow and steady is how I'm going, changing a few things in my lifestyle, but not too extreme! Good luck with your toning up…
  • Well done!! You are doing so well! I'm hoping the shred will help me lose a bit (on the scales) because I'm just starting, I have more to lose, I'd love to be 125 pounds! Soon hopefully!! Where are you from?
  • Hi! I'm Catrin and I am on a mission to get into shape by next summer. I know it's a while away but I want to go from 134 pounds to 112. I am also petite, 4 foot 11, so I know how you feel, weight just looks more on us small people! I am here to support you and maybe you could do the same as me. Maybe we could set a…