Bikini Body (already)

Hi Everyone!

I'm not new to Fitness Pal, as I have the app, but new to the community side of it, and decided I need the motivation and support of like minded people!

I'm currently 134 pounds and want to lose 22 pounds by the beginning of next summer. I know it's quite far away, but I have a holiday booked in Cape Verde, and need that bikini body I've not had for a few years now! I want to look good for my own confidence, as well as for my boyfriend and there;'s nothing wrong with looking good for others too!

Please add me as a friend and tell me your storys, be it a success story, or like me, you're new to here. If you've lost some weight, I'd love to compare notes and learn something new, and to try it out perhaps!

Hope to hear from lots of you fellow FPers, and happy slimming!!

Catrin xxx

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    Hey - I'm at my last few pounds, too. I'm 5'4". I started at 143, and I'm 124 today. Most of the dramatic loss for me was based on calorie restriction alone. Over the last month, I did the 30 Day Shred, and although my weight stayed the same (125), I look a little better. My diary is open.
  • catlovesmakeup
    catlovesmakeup Posts: 7 Member
    Well done!! You are doing so well! I'm hoping the shred will help me lose a bit (on the scales) because I'm just starting, I have more to lose, I'd love to be 125 pounds! Soon hopefully!! Where are you from?
  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
  • aksae
    aksae Posts: 2
    You sound like your being sensible about your weight loss, even though it's a long way off you sound as if you want to do it slowly, annoying but the most effective way! I don't want to lose a lot, just tone up and feel confident, but already, just by clicking my food and nutrition in I'm feeling better! Good luck with everything :)
  • catlovesmakeup
    catlovesmakeup Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks! Yes this is exactly what I want to do, lose it at a steady pace, so in 6 months, I'll be where I wanna be. I don't wanna lost it in a couple of months, then end up putting it back on by June! Slow and steady is how I'm going, changing a few things in my lifestyle, but not too extreme! Good luck with your toning up etc. We can all do it together! I will be posting before and after pictures, or progress pictures throughout the next few months/weeks even. Cat x
  • catlovesmakeup
    catlovesmakeup Posts: 7 Member
    Oh, can you post pictures onto these forums?