

  • Welcome to MFP! Just move forward. 11 months ago, I stepped on a scale and it read 226.8! I'm only 5'2. It is depressing, but it is our choices that put us in these situations. I realized it was time to either get busy living, or get bust dying. If you look for an excuse not to change, well that excuse will always be…
  • That's something you will have to decide for yourself. Everyone is different. You have to find the exercise you enjoy, because if you do not like what you are doing, odds are you won't continue. I've lost 47lb in 10months, with walking, I love to walk, it's the only thing I will 100% commit to, I walk 5 miles a day, it…
  • I've lost 42lb so far, not with my fitness plan, I was using loseit, still am, but all the support counts. I have lost 42 with loseit, and 13lb since starting my fitnesspal. Overall, I need to lose about 40-45 more, so yes! Please add me.