

  • My husband is my hubby, my best friend, my soul mate and the only person in the whole wide world I want to spend time with and be around 24/7. That being said we have really good screaming matches and drive each other crazy. I wouldn't want anything else.
  • I love going in the mornings because it gives me great energy for the day. I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and because of work demands and trying not to wake a room mate I go right when I get off work and then go right to sleep. I don't like it as much but it's still 'doable' for me. The cool thing? The gym in my…
  • All posters have good advice but LiddyBit has excellent advice!!! If you take her advice you will not go wrong. I do the things that she has suggested and it works for me. You are awesome to be getting out there and claiming a more healthy lifestyle!!! When you get to the point (and you will!!) where you might feel like…