

  • I'm definitely in. My starting weight is 190 lbs and I want to lose 20 lbs by Halloween. Can't really try a new exercise video, but I am planning on getting hair cut sometime this week before I return for my second year of college. And I am definitely ready to try the 150 miles and 1000 crunches and lunges. Let the…
  • Definitely sounds like a good goal to me. I was hoping to lose 20 lbs to Halloween too.
  • Drink water and if that doesn't help just eat a low cal snack but eat it slooooowly. that's what I do when I'm hungry but know I'll be eating a meal soon.
  • I was just wondering what kind of knee pain do you get because sometimes after running for about five minutes it starts to feel like someone is pushing a needle into my right knee. And it continues to hurt for a while after I finish my run.
  • Can't really say for certain, but I think I read somewhere that if you want to be toned and not muscle-y you should still do weight training, but don't put too much weight on it. Instead of going as high as you can, go to a comfortable weight level. Like I said, not a professional so don't take my word on it.
  • I tried the Couch 2 5K and lost got lazy before I could even get passed week two. I'm planning on starting it again and am definitely not looking forward to reaching week four. But I see nothing wrong with not being able to complete the set. Each day you run just try to run maybe 10 seconds longer or at least maintain the…
  • Thanks for the tips all. Last year was my first year of college and I gained about 15 lbs and would really not see a repeat when I go back. Keeping these tips in mind will definitely help.