Angel Baby o:)
Beautiful eyes
Sexy but also silly gal
She wasn't a big fan of hamsters
I'm so in!
Being called beautiful by a complete stranger <3
He actually peeked into the neighbors window and THEY called the police. I was just annoyed that he couldn't follow simple directions. Even left the ladder out :|
He didn't take constructive criticism well
She wouldn't stalk me correctly...I need more attention than the average stalker gives
It's like you know me :) <3 :*
You wish!
She didn't agree with my Disney addiction
The hot guy that's secretly very smart
I think we've danced enough. I need a date now little lady
She dumped her ex in the forums and I was afraid of the same fate
Hehe ;)
I love winning too much to lose
Epic GNO <3
Try again
I've actually burned top ramen before lol
Winner winner chicken dinner
He didn't understand that the freaks only come out at night ;)
He had a weird relationship with the lion tamer
She had an ecstasy habit that contributed to her stamina
She was like the energizer bunny and could never finish
@AntonMG95 Because he is so inspirational :)
He didn't appreciate that the grass was greener
She didn't understand my right to purge
She always crept up on me when I was in the shower