thkdiff Member


  • From one tall girl to another, you look fantastic! Well Done! Keep it up. My favorite motivational quote..."the reason for time is because not everything was meant to be done at once" (Einstein). ..;0) Oh, and and most of all thank you for the inspiration. ;0)
  • 150-155 because you are tallish at 5'6. Look great BTW ;0).
  • Okay. Of course I have her approval to post her pic, I would never do that without anyone's permission, my whole point. You guys are taking this all wrong, not being unkind, or trying to see validation for her. Thought I was helping her perhaps, because she always puts herself down and I think she's beautiful inside/out.…
    in Fat? Comment by thkdiff January 2015
  • Same here. Wish I knew the answer so I can get it fixed. I work out everyday, and eat clean, and then one instance just puts me on the downward spiral. I actually enjoy eating and drinking, but then feel like crap days later...;///// Wish I was one of those skinny chicks who can eat all they want..LOL...Not.
  • Does anyone measure themselves tightly versus loosely with the tape measure? I know that can make a huge difference in inches, obviously the tighter the less inches ;0) ;/.
  • Congratulations, you look wonderful. I also checked out your facebook, looks awesome and thank you for so many tips, especially food ;0). So you lost an average of perhaps 2.5 lbs a week over 10-11 months, even with your every other saturday treat, which is hopeful . Was this strictly consistent? Or did you have other days…