
I know it sounds like a broken record perhaps and the reason why I'm not very successful with losing weight. Over the years (12) I have lost about 60-70 pounds up and down, and I have about 30 left to go. It seems like every time I lose a good 10llbs (like I did in the last 3 weeks) , I tend to put it back on! Anytime I look good or someone gives me a compliment of how good I look , I end up eating and drinking like crazy. ...;0( ......This weekend I drank lots of wine and food, and then ending up eating more the next day and the next, gained 6 pounds, yes I know some of its perhaps water weight. But I can't seem to stop myself when I'm on a down spiral. I have been trying to lose the last 30 pounds in the last 5 years! I'm actually trying to bite my lips not to go into a food frenzy and putting on more weight. Help! I don't know why I end up sabotaging myself and I am so disappointed in myself. Anyone like me out there? Or someone who overcame alike issues? Thanks.


  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    It's a weird thing. When I am eating well and exercising I feel great and full of optimism. The more routinely that I eat well and exercise the more great and optimistic I feel.

    Then on a dime I get lazy, I eat like crap and consequently I feel like crap and full of pessimism. But I keep going on that way.

    I can't for the life of me understand why I would want to do something that makes me feel like crap.
  • thkdiff
    thkdiff Posts: 8 Member
    Same here. Wish I knew the answer so I can get it fixed. I work out everyday, and eat clean, and then one instance just puts me on the downward spiral. I actually enjoy eating and drinking, but then feel like crap days later...;///// Wish I was one of those skinny chicks who can eat all they want..LOL...Not.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    It's a mystery to me as well - even on a micro-scale, when I'm working out, if I even hear "good job" it's like my body stops functioning.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I try to snap myself back into my routine right away. (easier said than done) I remind myself I still have a long way to go to reach my goal weight and even when I do I should not stop trying to be better, faster and fitter. I want to live a long healthy happy life and if I let a spiral last more than a day that will be very difficult.