

  • I still look like I am 9 months pregnant and I had my DS 2 years ago. He is my 3rd. I have two DD's ages 3 & 5. You would think that with 3 toddlers all so close in age that I would be a rail. That is so not the case. I lost all the baby weight from my first then I got pregnant right away had #2 18 months later. 6 months…
  • I have been sprinkling them on greek yogurt and salads. But I have read where you can use them as an egg substitute.
  • We are hosting a blood drive for our Son's birthday this year. (a way for us to help give back since he has needed 21 transfusions in 22 months) They have asked us to make sure to let everyone know to eat a good meal and drink plenty of fluids before donating. Thank you for taking the time to donate today. Did you know…
  • Good Morning! I am a newbie as well. I am hoping that I can use this program to better my health and be able to keep up with my 3 toddlers. I am also looking for great tips and suggestions. Its great to have support from friends and family!!!