markbolch Member


  • I Log with my phone and Love the barcode scan. Maybe its easy for me because I tend to eat mostly the same things over and over so they are always right there as recent. It takes me less than 60 seconds to do each meal. Meals, snacks, etc I enter as I do it so I dont have to go in at the end of the day and think back.
  • I say yes you look great and I would be damn proud to be standing beside you while you were.. Just sayin
  • When I started eating more after stalling out my scale weight didnt drop in big numbers BUT my body fat started dropping, Fat mass weight going down and lean muscle weight started going up even though my total scale weight wasnt moving like it did at the start of my journey. Eating more which was a leap of faith for me…
  • now if I can just get the last picture right.. I do better at getting in shape than posting pics.. I though it was resized
  • I’m single and have changed my lifestyle to the point I would need to be with someone that was also very active. It’s a short coming on my part but I fear if I was with someone that didn’t care to be active and eat right that I’m possibly not strong enough to continue and would have a tendency to sink to the lowest common…
  • I drink Diet Coke, a couple a day. It may not be good for me for a multitude of reasons. The only thing I know for sure is I don’t care. I pick and choose my vices.
  • I fluctuate 3-5 pounds through the course of the day but make my first morning weight the official. I Also record my body fat percentage and weight daily and it goes to Trend Weight which creates a trend line over time. Its a pretty cool free website. I just started doing this a few weeks ago with a fitbit electronic…
  • Now When I'm naked I can look down and see my.. well nevermind. :embarassed: too much information..
  • Okay I will be the Jerk.. No its not exercise in my mind and even though I am a Man I do my own ironing and it is tedous hard job.. BUT its something I also did when I was Fat. I only consider exercise to be things I didnt do in my previous life style. Before I decided I didnt want to be Fat I didnt Jog / walk long…
  • Because I’m a Food Aholic and had no self-control coupled with sofa syndrome most my adult life… Geeeez why did I wait so long to fix my brain and realize that’s no way to live. Fat and happy or Happy and Fat was truly just Fat.. Now I am Fit and Fantastic and so much happier. Life is Good but you can never forget what…
  • I had blood sugars in the 400’s at times for months. Some numbness in my feet and not very healthy at all. I started taking metformin, then long acting insulin 2 shots a day because of the dosage was too much to take in one shot, then still out of control was supposed to check my blood sugar before each meal and take a…
  • 1/2 cup Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Crumbles, 3/4 cup Eggbeaters. Dump in the skillet, stir, eat. 4 g fat, 3 g carbs, 26g protein and 145 calories. Not whole fresh food but its very quick and fills me up.
  • All I can say is WOW you look so radiant.. What a change and from your pictures its obvious you feel awesome.. I’m certain you are noticing you must be turning a lot of heads !!! Great Job !!
  • Only if the Guy beside her didnt find out...
  • What helped me is I looked again at my goals. I needed to lose close to 100 pounds. For me setting that goal was so unobtainable. I then set smaller goals. Even if your goal is to move more and eat less for today or this week, Days turn into weeks , weeks turn into months and I am 80+ down. If I mess up for a day rather…
  • I’m 56 and its not as easy as it was. Not sure of your meds but at one point a couple years ago I was on meds for Cholesterol and taking insulin shots and metformin with blood sugar still through the roof.. Prescribed myself the move more eat less concept and no more meds at all with great labs after dropping the weight.…
    in Over 40?? Comment by markbolch June 2013
  • Thank you.. Im getting close.. Wait that only counts in horseshoes.. Nah it counts here too..
  • Hanging out in Grapevine.
  • WOW !!! You do NOT look like the same person at all.. Good Job !! Keep up the good work.
  • My scale is in the middle of my kitchen floor and I’m so anal I weigh daily. When not weighing I have to step around it if I go to the refrigerator. I guess it’s a constant reminder. I live alone so it’s not in anyone else’s way. The only thing about weighing daily is you can’t get excited when you don’t see a change daily…
  • Your age is just a number. I'm 55 and in better shape than when I was 35. Ive lost 30 lbs on here and 70 total. Pace yourself so you dont battle injuries but go for it. You can do it.. I would slap your friend down and see how long it takes them to get back up then do it again.. Okay thats a bit drastic but you get the…
  • Clothes.. What a nightmare clothes are. I have lost 25 pounds since being on here and 66 total since June. It costs a fortune to keep up. I use to think that larger cloths made me look smaller which is so not true it just makes you look sloppy and tacky. I have strict goals so at times I do buy a size smaller for…
  • Clothes.. What a nightmare clothes are. I have lost 25 pounds since being on here and 66 total since June. It costs a fortune to keep up. I use to think that larger cloths made me look smaller which is so not true it just makes you look sloppy and tacky. I have strict goals so at times I do buy a size smaller for…